True Life in God Volume II

Notebook 110 True Life in God 7 __________________________________________________________________________________ Mercy, for however great the number of sins committed by anyone, grace is greater; I can grant them to see My faithfulness and that I am ready to pardon their crimes; it is written that I am going to judge the world with justice and pronounce a true verdict on the nations; ah! what is man that You should spare a thought for him? yet You have made us little less than a god; may all men recite Your praises and rejoice for Your Saving help ... today I am giving you the gift of My Mercy; slandering My Words will do you no good, generation; I am in your days looking down from heaven at all of you; have you not noticed? you have become like leaking cisterns that hold no water; many have abandoned Me, and the heaven stands aghast at this rebellion; I had filled your heart at birth with the fountain of living water; I had filled your heart with My Presence; now, like a cracked cistern, you have run dry; you are hollow; am I not to intervene then? I am renewing, Vassula, My creation; this is the beginning of this renewal; this is My passage among tombs, among this vast graveyard, My passage will turn the tombs into glorious Cathedrals with the Fire of My Love within them! the splendour of My Presence within them will be awesome; from non-being within the tomb, and as dark as in a tomb, My passage among you will be as brilliant and as luminous as a sun; the shadow of death and the darkness of evil will fade away then like a mist, with My luminous Presence; numerous are My Calls and the grace of the Holy Spirit Has never been so obvious before than in your times; men of blood can say what they want to say, state what they want to state, but I will go over them and their sayings and their statements, for I am raising apostles and saints who will shine with the grace of the Holy Spirit upon all mankind; I will teach them, Myself, to reach degrees of high holiness despite the emphatic cacophonies of their enemies who will show them neither pity nor charity; I will, though, give them the spirit of perseverance, a spirit so valiant that their mere presence will shake the foundations of hell, since they will be dressed with the glorious splendour of My Son, Jesus Christ, and their tongue will be like a double-edged sword; they will shine brightly on everyone, good and evil men together, to warm their hearts and enliven with My Word all the corpses that are scattered; eternal blessing will come out of their hands; they will free many from the passions of the world that kept them imprisoned and rooted in sin; and the 'True Life in God' Ode will be sung in My Assemblies, child, to turn everyone into gods by participation; they will read out numerous texts, for My sayings are Byzantine lectures raising you from naught into gods,1 leading you into high levels of ascetic spirituality and practices; a mystical life that can be 1 Gods by participation: adoptive sons and daughters of the Most High.