True Life in God Volume II

Notebook 116 True Life in God 71 __________________________________________________________________________________ I will continue to pour out water from the Spring of Life on this thirsty soil; I will continue to expand My Message of True Life in God, since My Spirit of Grace has rested on you, little warrior; remember how from the beginning I foretold you that My Messages will spread out and multiply as a forest of cedars? I will continue to display My Glory; I will continue to support, with My Blessings, you and all those who help you; I will carry them too on My 'Wings,' they too will taste My Sweetness; remind everyone to be in union with one another so that you may be in union with Me; let your cravings be only for My Own House; live in Me and pray without ceasing; this is what you will tell them from Me; learn that although, daughter, you feel as though you have been left behind on a desolate island, do not fear; My Presence is shining constantly on you; I the Lord, was and am ever close to you; Love loves you! ic September 23, 2013 (About the 'Heaven is Real but so is Hell' book:) ah, Vassula, promoting My Message in this way as well glorifies Me; I am present; I will lift you to Me always; a stone can it feel anything? hearts that have hardened cannot feel anything, only a heart of flesh will be sensitive to My Presence; your lands are desolate and dry and in dire need of compassion; a spirit of kindness is needed, a spirit of hope is needed, so who can weigh My plans and consult them? who has sounder guidance than Me and who is man to cure the incurable unless the power is given them by Me? whoever curses My Work will remain in the blackest darkness and forever! in every way you present My Holiness and My generosity, revealing Me as a tender Father, as a loving Spouse, as your Saviour and Redeemer, as your Friend but your Judge as well, glorifies Me; go in peace, I Jesus, am (even now) with you ic November 5, 2013 peace be with you; My delight is when you come to Me, in the way I allowed you to be with Me, close to My Heart; this is My delight; beware of people who inflict on you their poisonous arrows in words and in thought; pray for these souls; now write the message I gave you while in Church1: "tell them that they are the Joy of My Heart; I am their Father.... Yahweh is My Name..." all I need to hear from you is what you just said to Me: 'I love You, Lord...' love Me and glorify Me 1 This message was given to me by locution while in Church with my friends near me.