True Life in God Volume II

A-28 All in all, I love the House of the Lord and above all I love God. I am in debt to Him for the graces that He has given me. He once told me: "I have given you freely, so freely give." So this is what I am trying to do; I transmit His Words freely to whosoever wants to listen. I thank you again for allowing me to shed light on the questions with regard to my writings and my activities. On the web-site you will find more information. I kindly ask you to greet from my part H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, H.E. Mons. Tarcisio Bertone and Mons. Gianfranco Girotti, as well as Their Excellencies from the Consulta of the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith, thanking them again for granting me this occasion of explaining my work. I hope I have done this in the expected way. I am but willing to answer orally or in written form to any more questions you may have. And I am ready to accept any suggestions you might make to clarify certain expression contained in the TLIG books. If necessary I can add such clarifications in the new editions of my books. With this, I send my heartfelt compliments and most cordial wishes and greetings. Yours sincerely in Christ, Vassula Rydén