True Life in God Volume II

A-27 Establish our Beth Myriams everywhere you can. Lift the oppressed and help the orphan, protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me, unload my burden and fatigue, support me and encourage me; all that you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me… I bless the supporters of My life, may they remain virtuous and all-loving, I am with you…(Jesus speaking 27.03.2002.) Calling to evangelisation Some of the readers of True Life in God who were touched feel that they can become witnesses across the world to contribute to spread the Good News. Having become the docile instruments of the Holy Spirit who provides them with the grace of the word and the sense of the faith, they are capable now to go and witness around the world inviting people to a life of prayer and teaching them to form prayer groups. The aim is to bring them to change their lives and live their life as an unceasing prayer. A few from the prayer group in Dhaka go out in the villages (to Moslems) and read out to them the messages. Many believe and want to become Christians. "I want to make out of each one a Living Torch of Love’s Furnace. Honour Me now and evangelize with love, for love." (Jesus speaking 27.01.1989.) Devotion to the Virgin Mary True Life in God brings us to become the child of the Mother of God since Her Immaculate Heart is never separated from the Sacred Heart of Jesus but is in perfect union with His. Our Mother is our support and we know it. Any one who joins the prayer groups, may they be Protestants, Calvinists or others, all are taught to honour our Lady, our saints, and pray to them. “Have you not noticed how My Heart melts and favours always Her Heart? How can this Heart who bore your King be denied anything She asks from Me? All the faithful bless Her Heart for in blessing Her Heart you will be blessing Me”(Jesus speaking 25.03.1996.) True Life in God Associations If in some countries there are Associations of TLIG it is for legal purposes only, in connection with supporting this work of evangelisation and publishing the books. If we have founded associations in certain countries it was just to obey to local laws. Just to mention one example: opening a post office box in connection with the name of TLIG. But I have never thought of forming a movement. The books are translated in 38 languages and I have received no royalties from any except from PARVIS publication as the editor said it is in his rules. This money goes for the charity works, for covering costs for books and for travel expenses to witness in third world countries that do not have the means. Other activities Every two years, volunteers of the prayer groups volunteer to help me put up an international symposium on ecumenism. At the same time we have it as a pilgrimage. Till now four of these have been done. The largest we had was in the year 2000 in the Holy Land (while the Holy Father was there), where 450 people came from 58 countries. There were with us 75 clergy from 12 different churches. This year we are trying to do it in Egypt.