True Life in God Volume II

A-26 man of his riches! But if anyone wants to boast, let him boast of this: of understanding and knowing me. (Jr 9:22-23) Formation of prayer groups The writings of “True Life in God” teach us to practice the simple prayer of the heart and to turn our lives into an unceasing prayer, which is to live perpetually in God and God in us. But it has a strong call to forming prayer groups as well, all around the world. Since people in over 60 countries arranged meetings that I testify, in all these countries now prayer groups have been formed. There are several in each country. For instance, in France, there are 48 ecumenical prayer groups inspired by the spirituality of True Life in God. In Brazil which is a bigger country, there are more than 300 ecumenical prayer groups. Every prayer group, whether the Christians are Orthodox or Lutherans or Anglicans or Baptists, they all start with the Rosary together. “How I long for this day! The day when I will send you to all mankind, they will learn to love Me and understand me more; Wisdom will share her resources with all mankind…” (Jesus speaking 25.01.1987). Faithfulness to the teachings of the church stimulated In reading the writings one learns how to remain faithful to the church. I tell people, "even if they throw you out of the church, climb from the window but never leave the church." They teach us to visit the Blessed Sacrament and be with Jesus in adoration. They teach us to follow the Sacraments of the church and to keep the Tradition, to learn self-denial, penance, fasting and practice especially the Sacrament of confession. They draw us to be eager to attend Holy Mass if possible daily. They explain to us the importance of the Eucharist. “Through this Communion I sanctify all who receive Me, deifying them to become the flesh of My flesh, the bone of My bone. By partaking Me, I who am divine, you and I become one single body, spiritually united; we become kin, for I can turn you into gods by participation. Through My divinity I deify men…”(Jesus speaking 16.10.2000.) Activities : Charity houses run by the readers Back in 1997, after I had been given by grace a vision of our Blessed Mother, while standing outside the Nativity Place in Bethlehem, I heard her say that spiritual food does not suffice, but that one has to think of the poor and nourish them as well. So immediately when I announced this to our prayer groups, many volunteered to assist me in opening charity houses to feed the poor. They are called “Beth Myriams”. There is one in Bangladesh, four in Venezuela, three in Brazil, two in the Philippines, one orphanage in Kenya and soon one will open in Puerto Rico, one in India, one in Romania and one orphanage in Ukraine. I am enclosing some information on this (Attachment 2). All the work done is on volunteer basis. The Beth Myriam’s are functioning only by donations. They are all local initiatives, local houses without any structure linking them. They are self-supported and the same people (the prayer groups) are the ones who run them and take the task to serve the poor themselves. They are progressing not only to feed the poor, but to give them as well medical services, clothes and education for the children. Lastly, they are run in a constant spirit of prayer, and they are always ecumenical in nature.