True Life in God Volume II

A-24 My writings do not speak about when this will happen or to what an extent the Lord will be able to build his kingdom as we all hope and pray for when we pray the Lord’s prayer: "Thy Kingdom come". I believe it has already begun inside us, and its growth will always include our collaboration and good will. I believe that a renewal has already started but it comes slowly like the tide in the sea, that no one can stop. The New Pentecost or Second Pentecost is the hope of our renewal. It is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will renew the creation. In the True Life in God it is compared to Apoc. 21. Here is a passage: Come and learn: the new heavens and the new earth will be when I will set my throne in you for I will give water from the well of life free to anybody who is thirsty. Allow my Holy Spirit then to draw you into my kingdom and into eternal life. Let evil win no more power over you to die… Allow my Holy Spirit to cultivate your soil and make a terrestrial Eden in you. Let My Holy Spirit make a new earth to prosper in your soil so that your first earth, that was the devil’s property, wears away. Then once again My glory will shine in you and all the divine seeds sown in you by My Holy Spirit will sprout and grow in my divine light (...) so allow My Holy Spirit to turn your soul into another paradise, a new earth where We (the Trinity) will make our home in you… (My question) What about the new heavens? The new heavens? They too will be inside you when my Holy Spirit will govern you in holiness. My Holy Spirit will shine in your darkness like a splendid sun in the sky, because the Word will be given to you to express thoughts and speech as I would wish you to think and speak. Everything expressed will be in accordance to My Image and thought, everything you will do will be to our likeness because the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you. And your new universe will march with my Holy Spirit to conquer the rest of the stars (Symbolic for people) for My Glory and those who had not observed My Law and were fully drawn away like a passing shadow into darkness, never knowing the hope and holiness I was reserving for your times. The new heavens will be when my Holy Spirit will be poured out to you all from above from the highest heaven. Yes, I will send My Spirit in you to make a heaven out of your soul, so that in this new heaven I may be glorified thrice… and as the paths of those who received My Holy Spirit will be straightened so will their darkness and gloom too be enlightened and restored into blazing stars illuminating their darkness for ever and ever. Soon, this earth and heaven will disappear because the radiant glory of My Throne will shine in you all. (03.04.1995) As you may see, this is all symbolic imagery language as well as poetic to describe a renewal, or a new Pentecost. I had been explaining to the people that they should never wait from God sensational events because God rather works in a discreet way, although His language can be expressive and powerful. Many events, like a new Pentecost, should not be expected as visible flames above our heads or the like. When God is in action He does it in such a smooth and discreet way that many who expected sensational events would not even notice them immediately.