True Life in God Volume II

A-22 Trinity’s ears… My child!” The Father’s Voice, full of joy resounded through all Heaven. Then the Son said: “Ah… I shall now make her penetrate My Wounds and let her eat My Body and drink My Blood. I shall espouse her to Me and she will be Mine for eternity. I shall show her the Love I have for her and her lips from thereon shall thirst for Me and her heart shall be My Headrest.” The Holy Spirit said immediately after: “And I, the Holy Spirit, shall descend upon her to reveal to her the truth and the depths of Us. I shall remind the world through her, that the greatest of all the gifts is love.” And then the Holy Trinity spoke in one voice: “Let Us then celebrate! Let all Heaven celebrate!” (22.12.1990) The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, its oneness combined with the distinct traits of each of the three persons and the relationship between them, is one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian Faith. However, the fact that the Trinity is such an infinite mystery should not make us shrink back from praising its marvels and avoid talking of it, although human language never will be able to express the beauty and immensity of the One but Triune. For the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is so central to our faith that it stands above and sheds light upon all the other mysteries of faith. This has been pointed out again most clearly in The Cathechism of the Catholic Church: The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith.”15 The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men “and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin”.16 (CCC 234) Question 4. Protology and Eschatology. There are also some difficulties regarding protology and eschatology. In what sense does the soul have a “vision of God” before being infused into the body and how do you envision of the new Pentecost within the history of salvation in relation to the parousia and the resurrection of the dead? Protology: I do not believe in any form of reincarnation. On the contrary, my writings speak against reincarnation and New Age: “These doctrines of Satan teach you to believe in reincarnation, whereas there is no reincarnation; they keep up the outward appearance of religion but have rejected the inner power of it - the Holy Spirit and the Holy Communion” (19.04.1992). The passage that you are referring to might be the following: …then, in the midst of this dazzling Light, your soul will see what they had once seen in that fraction of a second, that very moment of your creation… They will see He who held you first in His Hands, the Eyes that saw you first, they will see the Hands of He who shaped you and blessed you… they will see the Most Tender Father, your Creator… (15.9.1991) The passage is one of poetic and mystical language. What is being said here is in no way the preexistence of the soul. Rather it speaks of how God blesses and loves any soul from the very instant of its creation. I believe we are created in the image of God and have His imprint in the depth of our souls wherefore humans have a natural longing for their Creator, which only He can satisfy, as Saint 15 General Catechetical Directory 43. 16 General Catechetical Directory 47.