True Life in God Messages

Notebook 97 True Life in God 999 Luminous Manifestation, I give praise and honour to You and ask You to pity always my wretchedness and my unworthiness; Kyrie eleisson; ah, Vassula, whenever you are mindful of your frailty and of your wretchedness knowing that Life can only be drawn from Me, I rejoice; whenever you admit that you are a sinner and that only by your total abandonment to Me you could draw graces from Me, I can then proceed in you and My Will can be accomplished in you; transfigured by the grace of the Breath of My Holy Spirit, I will indeed proceed My intentions in you; I, Jesus, bless you, be one; ic; February 5, 1999 What return can I make to the Almighty’s Goodness He showed to me? He has performed marvels in me; I have built My Throne in you to outlast all time .... I am Your King who anointed you so that you enter into My Kingdom; I am the King of the safety of your soul; My heart melts like wax and becomes liquid in Your Divine Presence; I rejoice in Your Splendour and Majesty; You have demonstrated Your Power by allowing Your Holy Presence to flow through the desert of my soul like a river; alleluia! and everything that was polluted in the aridity of my soul was washed away in the greatness of Your Love; yes, My beloved, I am known for My Mercy and for My tender Heart; have you not heard how I can turn deserts into rivers and arid grounds into springs of water? extol Me at the meetings and make this generation understand that Royal Dignity is Mine; what return can they make to Me for My Sovereignty? My Royal Heart raises the poor in spirit, I lift the needy and the wretched to give them royal vestments allowing them to walk in My Courts; I bless them by imprinting My Holy Name all over them opening the gates of virtue to them so that their behaviour pleases My Royal Dignity; schooled by Me they will learn how to lead a blameless life; I shall proclaim in all assemblies the greatness of Your Name, without fear I shall cry out that Mercy is with us, stooping from the heavens to reach us; and to those who hound me, lovingly intervene; rescue me from human oppression; support me as You have promised me and let the foul and lying tongue be subdued; have you noticed any limitations? go on, say it .... Am I wrong if I say: on the “inner walls” of Your House, there, I find not much of a support ... no one will be able to strike you down not even the "inner walls", as you have called them, of My House, so long as I am with you and by your side; the “inner walls” would have closed over you, but the masons who toiled to build those “inner walls” have toiled in vain; your mere zeal for My House which devours you will topple them ... I have not asked you whether you had support on the “inner walls” of My House or not; I have asked you if you have noticed any limitations ...