True Life in God Messages

Notebook 97 True Life in God 997 hold on fast to Me and on to what I have given you freely; never weary of writing; I am with you; ic; February 2, 1999 Lord, let me read out to You what St. John Chrysostom wrote. In fact they are Your words, Your words to us through him; this is what You said: “I, your father, I, your spouse, I, your home, I, your nurse, I, your root, I, your foundation. Whatever you want, I will be. You lack nothing. I will work for you. For I came to serve and not to be served. I will be your friend and your host, your head and your brother, your sister and your mother. I will be everything. Only be intimate with me! I will be poor for you, errant for you, on the Cross for you, in the tomb for you. Above I plead with the Father for your sake, on earth I became intercessor to the Father for your sake. You are everything for Me, brother, co-heir, friend and member. What more do you want?” I have yielded so many times My Royal Sceptre to reach all of you and so many times I have come over to you to perfume your heads; with royal prodigality I have courted you, addressing you in poetry; religion and virtue were My sweet converse with you all the days of your life; during all these years1 I was reposing My Head on you, I had been taking My delight in you; My Heart has said of you: “turn her into a living altar for Your 1From the day I opened the door of my heart for our Lord. Mystical Body, 2 let her learn to repulse all that does not come from You, keep her hidden in Us so that she becomes an exultant sacrifice ready to be sold to the world and serve with gladness;” I had in My tender affection and My ineffable Love given you Wisdom to instruct you so that I, through you, would accomplish My designs on My Church; see, My beloved, with what intent eagerness I descended upon your frailty to turn you and through you others to become the sturdy pillars of My Church? and I, with all My Heart bless you and all those who became columns of divine fire to transmit My words in these urgent Messages and who voluntarily with love used all that they could, with unsparing love and fervour to propagate the Truth and christianise this dechristianised population; I am with you and I promise you that I will repay you and the others a hundredfold; see how I raise ambassadors of peace and see how I rush over to rescue My House? see My Vassula, My Eyes are too pure to rest on rebellion; the splendour of My Work (for My Work it is) is to draw all souls in My Sacred Heart; were I not to hurry, raising with My Sceptre disciples, the fig tree will not blossom; nor will there be any fruit left on the vine, and My sheep will continue to scatter until there will be none left in the fold; Goodness and Mercy could not bear to see so many souls heading for the eternal fires; ceaselessly and untiringly, with My Heart in My Hand, I will continue to look at the window of each heart to awaken it and bring it into the ardent Love of My Divinity; then I will place all the virtues needed with a stream of unparalleled and sanctified graces on its altar to draw it into a complete union with the Father, 2The Church.