True Life in God Messages

996 True Life in God Notebook 97 with Your divine sweetness, preventing the people from sinning and silencing the mutters of those who oppose You. have I ever deprived a soul from My Love and Mercy? Never... when I am living inside a city, can that city1 fall? have you not read: “there is a River2whose streams refresh the city of God and it sanctifies the dwelling of the Most High;” I am God; O Spring of our soul how can I express the way You have reached us in our misery? Here you are, offering us Your Love and Mercy; like golden pillars on a silver base, You steady our legs; You transfigure our faces with one glance of Your Eyes, making them appear like the Lamp shining on the sacred Lamp-stand; Yes, indeed, only the River of Life whose streams refresh the city of God, sanctifies it for Him; the Scriptures say, in fact they are Your Own Words, Lover of mankind, that if anyone loves You, he will keep Your Word and that Your Father will love him and that both of You will come to him and make Your abode with him. 3 I am a Source of ineffable delights and through My Infinite Mercy I wish to transfigure your soul into an Eden, suitable for Our Trinitarian Holiness; I wish to lead every soul back to Myself so 1God means ‘soul’. 2Holy Spirit. 3 Jn. 14:23. that they would have access into their Resting Place; so My Vassula, be determined to safeguard for My sake My teachings; see? the soil has given its harvest, mountains and valleys bow down4 at My passing; through this revelation My Voice is heard; never mind the proud of heart; remember, My beloved, that I have the power to overthrow kings and kingdoms were these to become an obstacle to Me; “peaks of pride, have you the right to look down on a mountain5 where God has chosen to live, where Yahweh is going to live for ever?” 6 My Holy Spirit has uttered sayings in your ear sweeter than honey, even than honey that drips from the comb, raising you and others from the dead, see? salvation comes from Me; be, My beloved, an example to the others and love My Spirit for He will give you one day the wages of your labours and .... do not fear those who believe they have the power to subjugate all things, because I am with you and on your side; My Vassula, again I am asking you to be like a lily in My Garden7 to perfume Me; fragrance Me, My chosen one, I sigh for your love, for your abandonment, for your dispassion; O you, in whom alone I have entrusted this treasure coming from My Heart! 8 remain in My embrace now, perfuming Me in your nothingness and I in My turn will be perfuming you to be My heaven! 4 Symbolic: meaning great men of power as well as non-important ones bow in humility accepting God’s intervention. 5God means, that no one has the right to criticise the one God chooses and in whom He chose to place His dwelling place. 6Ps. 68:16. 7Our Lord means, His Heart. 8 I heard our Lord say these words aloud and with passion; they came out like a sigh.