True Life in God Messages

Notebook 96 True Life in God 987 therefore, continue to embrace My Cross, stretching further than the seas with My Love Hymn in one hand and My Cross in the other; be My cheerful messenger, never abandoning My Cross; keep pronouncing My Will and all these things that you have heard and learnt from Me and be My joy and My heaven; remember: I have offered you to share My Unity Cross with Me and you are to remain grafted on your Divine Bridegroom between His Bosom and on to My Cross; let your eyes perceive through My Cross those things that are invisible but eternal and not those things that are visible and wear away one day; so look through My Cross for the things that It can offer you later on in heaven; all the Riches that can be found in My Heart could be seen through the Eye of your Redemptive Instrument and of your salvation: My Cross; the proof that any one is joined and one with Me, formed in Me and knit with Me is when your heart is grafted as well on My Cross with all its bearings; anybody who is convinced that he belongs to Me must understand that he belongs to My Cross as well; have you not read: 1 “to suffer in God’s way means changing for the better2 and leaves no regrets, but to suffer as the world knows suffering brings death; just look what suffering in God’s way has brought you – what keenness, what explanations, what indignation and what alarm; what yearning,” and I would add to this, what joy, what intense perseverance and fortitude; having then been brought by grace to distress, 3 so that you repent, the eyes of your soul opened because you diligently obeyed My Voice; My Vassula, look at how I have led you to repentance, look at 12 Co. 7:10-11. 2 Yes, because it leads to repentance then to the embracement of the Cross. 3Back in 1985. how I have led you to My Cross; look at the joy I have obtained when you voluntarily thrust yourself to Me, then to My Cross! My joy is overflowing and I am filled with consolation; gathering My lambs is not an easy task let alone uniting them, daughter, but giving Me your confidence in these matters, trust, love and faith, I can advance in you, spreading My Message as I want it spread, and, My Vassula, through your trials I triumph; be in peace and continue to live in the Light of My Cross: a true life in Me, Jesus Christ;  November 28, 1998 (Today it is 13 years of anointed messages. I’ve been in meditation all day long, meditating on how all this unmerited grace was given me. I was saying: “No one has found so much favour in God’s Eyes in the wretched condition I was found; God has had great mercy on my soul; the King of Kings brought me into His Royal Household; He summoned me by my name, and invited me at His great banquet, treated me with royal prodigality; then as though all of this did not seem to appease His eagerness of satisfying me, out of His excessive and exuberant love He has for me, the King of Kings gave me privileged access at any time to His Royal Presence; to walk in and out of His Royal Courts freely; my wretchedness, and it seemed my nothingness had won His favour; in His determination to save me He revealed to me heaven and earth and all the marvels that are under heaven; and so to praise His Holy Name, our Lord and God, taught me how to hymn His Name.”) O Lord, although Death was staring me in the face, Your great Power saved me;