True Life in God Messages

986 True Life in God Notebook 96 In Your exuberant love, Lord of Mercy, in Your divine tenderness, come to my side; Your branded slave is at Your service. you have been honoured to be branded, marking you as My belonging, as My possession .... These marks are noble and priceless and I reveal them to those to whom I wish to reveal them, even though they are not seen by the exterior eye, they are seen, by grace, with the eye of the soul; 1 I, Myself, came into the world to serve and not to be served; I had, although My state was Divine, emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave; since My Father gave Me to all of you as a gift for your redemption with My entire Will too, 2 I, in My turn, in your days, call for My purpose, My Chosen ones and lift them for My Salvific Plan, turning them into copies of Myself; chosen long before their creation with the intention to become the true image of Myself and co-operators of My Love Plan, I honour them to be branded with the same marks I Myself had been branded with to make them fully Mine and to show the world that they are truly Mine and that they are My seed .... so when these are exposed to persecution, spittle, and are threatened, when they are misunderstood, calumniated and attacked, know that they come from Me and that they are the bone of My bone, the flesh of My flesh; branded with all these noble signs that I received for your redemption, these noble souls too, for your sake, impious 1 As our Lord says that only by grace a soul is favoured to be able to perceive with the ‘eye of the soul’ things that are not exterior and visible by the normal eye; even the marks of His Passion, branding a soul (interior marks), can be given to a soul who would feel them, thus becoming a copy of the Supreme Victim. 2Jesus’ Will was the same as His Father’s Will. generation, are being tread upon, massacred daily and brought to judgment even by the dignitaries of My Church! just as sheep brought for the slaughter, they too are led by the false accusations of those who contribute to this day, the slaughter of My saints and My prophets of all times, and how ingeniously they get round My words3 in order to justify their incredulity! their4 conduct does not please Me because they become the enemies of the whole human race, since they are hindering My Chosen ones from pronouncing My Will to My people and from reconstructing My House; thus, these oppressors, are reaching all the time the full extent of their iniquity; as I have said, My Vassula, I am giving you to all the nations as My gift, that is: for their own benefit, to echo My Words and to serve the Church; I intended you from all eternity to become a true image of Myself, sharing My sufferings so that one day you will share My Glory; in the Light of My Cross model yourself with My Mind; working for the Light that is the same as to work for the exaltation of My Cross; I have, My beloved one, given you a spirit of perseverance to keep up with My pace; the night is almost over and it will be daylight soon – so courage, daughter, courage .... in your union with My Cross you have done all these things in My Name, that is, you have witnessed, in My Name, My Messages to the utmost of your capacity; this has been done to fulfil the text: “those who have never heard or seen Me will hear Me and see Me and those that never understood Me will understand Me by the grace of My Holy Spirit;” 3 Jesus means that these people do not use the words of counsel of Jesus: “You will know them by their fruits”. 4 1 Th. 2:15-16.