True Life in God Messages

Notebook 96 True Life in God 985 ah, My child... continue to be patient and out of your patience I will keep flowing into dry lands, immersing them in My Divine Love with heavenly dew, giving growth where dross is still to be found; do not allow your heart to be troubled, trust in Me, your Creator, for I can do great things; I am infinitely rich in grace and virtue, therefore, I invite you, My bride, to share with your Bridegroom the glorious Instrument of our espousals, that is, the splendour of My Cross... (I understood that this invitation of sharing the Cross was an invitation not only to share It but as well as to fully penetrate into the mystery of our Lord’s Passion, for this invitation was already offered to me in the very beginning of my call; our Lord, our Spouse, the Lover of mankind was stepping out, once more, of His Throne to give me a fuller knowledge of the worth (value) of the Cross.) come willingly as you do every time I call you into My embrace... 1 to embrace Me is to embrace My Cross... and now let Me breathe in you My Divine Words: I have said to you that when you embrace Me you are embracing My Cross and in this embrace you are bathed in My Light; the way, and I would say again, the only way to a union of Divine Love with Me is when you voluntarily embrace with love My Cross which you know bears its sufferings but its joys as well and which would lead you where your soul will be exalted: to Calvary; in My sweet embrace you will find joys but the greatest joy of all is when you discover that you became a copy of My Passion, and part of Me, the Supreme Victim: another sacrifice of love, another 1There was a slight pause then with a change of tone of voice that became very grave He said: “to embrace Me is to embrace My Cross ...” living crucifix, another slave to be sold to the whole world; but being in My embrace your soul will be drawing from Me strength and all the virtues to resemble Me; enamoured of My Spirit, your heart will chant hymns of praise reaching the heights and to the Amen's ears and so your Triune God will be glorified... who in your days understands fully the splendour of My Cross? very few do; this is why I come through you to instruct with passion, the world; in My thirst for souls and in My agony seeing them fall in the eternal fires, I call every one in this world for conversion and to prepare you for My glorious Reign of the Kingdom on earth, in which My Divine Will becomes the essence of your daily life and the emblem on your forehead; I call out in the night of your souls, peering now and then through the window of your heart hoping to hear these words from you: “come, Beloved Saviour, come and open the eyes of my Night, and turn my heart to Your Goodness and away from evil; come and open the gates of Virtue to me so that I come in and prostrate in reverence before your Triune Glory; Beloved of my soul, give me once more, life, by Your Glorious Word;” and I will answer you: “I will never fail you, in honour of My Name, I, who transcend earth and heaven in majesty, will grant you Life;” satisfy Me now, Vassula, by leaning on Me; rest Me in your heart willingly, dedicating your time for Me; love the Unloved and follow My instructions; I, Jesus, bless you, telling you: My heaven is in you; tomorrow I will continue My Message; ic; (The following day, Christ returned and called me for dictation and so my heart in joy, welcomed Him with these words:)