True Life in God Messages

984 True Life in God Notebook 96 today you call out, generation: “my God, I am in anguish for my family and for myself; I writhe with pain from this burning wind;” but to this day My sayings are ignored and are not taken seriously; you gasp for fresh air, while you are burning inwardly, and yet, when My Holy Spirit of Grace descends in power upon you to set you free and comes in glory to you so that you inhale the Breath of Life, the Breath of God, that is the Holy Spirit, your rebellious and unruly hearts continue to reject Me; My Return is imminent but neither this nor its meaning have been fully grasped by you; and so it is My Vassula, My Love for all of you compels Me to bring forward My Return; Almighty Power, Wisdom and Goodness will prevail not before long; ecclesia will revive in its Triune Glory; blessed is he who allows Me to reside in his soul; blessed is he who leans on My Bosom and allows Me to embrace him, his soul will be recognised1 in My Courts from the odour of My fragrance upon him; blessed is he who receives My Word and keeps it, he would be adjudged holy; tell this generation and especially those who do not know Me that I, in My Divine Love, who have given you mystical graces to raise the Church, embellish it and give Her Sources of Living Water, am the Author of this revelation and am holding back the even greater graces of My Power, for these will be given to you later on and in due course; You have given me freely from Your Own Goods; Lord, Lover of Life, Your gift of Mercy has saved me and many others; Glory be to God, praised be His Holy Name. 1Accepted. rest now, My Beloved, in your Resting Place; 2 the tuneful heartbeats you hear are My Sighs of Love for each one of you; come, we, us?  November 11, 1998 My Lord, most gracious, I beg You to come and cultivate my will that it becomes Your Will, stripping it and transforming it to be nothing else but Your Divine Will; come and kill everything in me that offends You so that by this clement gesture of Yours, in the day of Judgment You would find me faultless and agreeable in Your sight; Jesus, because You have died out of Your exuberant love for me, to give me life and happiness and be able to share Your Kingdom and Your glory, mark me as Yours for eternity. My priest, 3 continue to place garlands of love on My Head; replace My thorned Crown that this generation forces joyfully on My Head and continues to drag Me by force into new Gethsemanes; I have, in My exuberant love, but as well as in My agonies similar to those of Gethsemane, written all these pages to all of you so that you believe in the power of My Holy Spirit who bears witness; reverence Me in your heart, Paraskevi, by giving Me your time to write down again My words filled with sighs and sorrows; never cease praying and keep your mind focused only on My immutable Divinity; 4 2His Sacred Heart. 3 1 P. 2:9. 4Jesus then gave a long sigh.