True Life in God Messages

Notebook 95 True Life in God 981 Me to continue our sweet and intimate converse with you; a life spent generously for Me by your own free will infatuates Me, your Divine Companion; a life which suffered insult and calumny for My Sake affects Me to tears; joy-of-My-Heart, you have still not quite understood how, in My fervent love I have for you, I joined Myself inseparably with you so you become one spirit with Me; so remain in My Peace; My faithful Love will never leave you; Ah, my King, my heart is stirred by Your noble theme, inebriated when You address me; Gracefulness1 is upon me like dew, shadowing me in His mighty embrace, my stronghold is God Himself the God who loves me faithfully. you see, My love, every structure knit together in Me, grows into holiness and purity in My Divinity; therefore, you, My Vassula, in Me, are being built up into a holy vessel where I am contained, a pure and holy dwelling-place for Our Triune Holiness, in the Spirit, in which We could contemplate Ourselves; so rejoice and be glad before your Bridegroom who is ever so generous to you; remain blameless and I shall never fail you; now, joy-of-My-Heart, you may return to your other duties; receive from your Saviour His Kiss of Divine Love on your forehead; I, Jesus Christ, bless you; ic; October 20, 1998 My Lord and my God, You are truly most Beautiful, and immersed in Your Beauty You are Divine and Pure; how am I and all the others not to fall in love with Your Sweetness? 1God. Gracefulness is a dew upon Your Lips, and in Your majesty and splendour You have blessed us, courted us, favoured us and covered us with innumerable gifts, not only to resemble Your angels, but to resemble You; Your Word is like a brocade which You have clothed me with, adorning my soul for Your majesty; and all of this You have done with the greatest delight, and with no thought that You might have been cheapening Your Sceptre of Your kingship! God has anointed me .... indeed I have and with great joy that is .... come now and lean on Me; more loyal than Myself you will not find; stronger and more powerful than Myself you will not find; I am the Rock and the Foundation of Christianity; I am He who is, was and is to come; partners we have become; I and you, you and I, knit together in one; no human strength could have raised your soul except if it were given from above; in all truth I tell you: your Bridegroom will continue to drench you by the dew of heaven, 2 so that you too in your turn will drench the arid soil with torrents of Instruction; then the fig tree will produce its figs and the vine its grapes; the olive crop will enrich, for the time has come for My Divine Justice to topple the wicked who prostrate in front of the Beast; soon the storm will be over .... - serve My House and speak in My Name so that I, in My transcendent Love, may continue to pour My blessings on this generation; 2 I understood also: by the graceful Presence of Jesus Christ.