True Life in God Messages

980 True Life in God Notebook 95 We will flood you with Our Light for a better understanding of Our Word, imprinting Our Divine Image in every word given to you; Our Majesty will supply all you still lack; “then like an olive tree loaded with fruit, like a vessel of beaten gold encrusted with every kind of precious stone” 1 you will atone with dignity in this hour of painful apostasy, and like cantors chanting hymns of praise, your frail voice will plead with Us with Our terms, with Our understanding and within Our Will; in Our royal munificence We have in Our embracement endowed your heart with Wisdom so that It can be passed on to this generation and that they may profit from It; so, little one, continue to walk in the path laid out with sapphires for you, and be a herald and apostle of Our Trinitarian Deity; seed every country so that Our Kingdom stretches from sea to sea; mountains and hills shall bow low at Our saving justice; and, in Our Power, We shall call into existence those things that are not, 2as those that are; 3I am the Life and the Resurrection who brings the dead to life; remain devout to Me and blossom; never fret; be like the rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse; be blessed and give off to your Saviour a sweet smell like incense, spreading your fragrance together with Mine in My House, inebriating My household into conversion and into one heart; I will protect you from fury and jealousy; say: “all the Works of the Lord are good and He will supply every want in due time;” 4 yes, praise My Works and 1Si. 50:10, 9 2Bring to a spiritual Resurrection this generation. 3Then, Jesus spoke alone. 4Si. 39:33. be My Paradise in this way, Paraskevi ‘μου’; 5 O Lord, let me keep Your Instructions in mind and do not allow forgetfulness get the better of Me! Steady my feet, Glorious Lord, and keep me awake and at Your Service ... My child, Wisdom illumined in your soul, like a sweet flame, ceaselessly revealing to you Our secrets, but also Ourselves in such a way that it may revive this generation, invigorating it to grow into Our splendour and become worthy to enter Paradise; by Our Own free-Will, We, in Our Triune Glory, it so pleased Us to befriend you intimately and pour on you in abundance torrents of delights and consolations; We revealed to you something forgotten by My Church: this overflowing sweetness, yes! Almighty God’s divine sweetness that attracts myriads of angels around My Throne, countless souls to worship Me and delight in this heavenly banquet; in Our ineffable sweetness We embrace all Heaven; My Church has forgotten, yes, and neglected Me, My Own Spouse .... She remains naked, and shows no interest in My Divine sweetness; “how is it, My Bride, you turn your back to Me when I open My Heart to you to converse with you? My Heart is filled with ineffable sweetness, ah, but you have not understood what draws My creation to Me...” My intimate companion, avert your eyes from your surrounding, and fix your eyes, your mind and your soul in a holy contemplation on My Heart, and allow 5 In Greek: “μου” = “my” (Paraskevi).