True Life in God Messages

Notebook 95 True Life in God 979 I dwell? have you not seen the fruits of My graces? My beloved, let the treasure I have entrusted you with be the salvation to many souls; by My Divine authority I have called you and commissioned you, in spite of your failings, to restore My House and My honour; if it1 were not genuine would your soul, as well as of others be drawn to praise Me and long for lengthy contemplation on My Divinity, speaking graciously on My Perpetual Presence? have I not clothed you with Myself, even in visible form? 2 and who, tell Me, reconciled you to the Father, showing you and through you the splendour and true image of the Father? and who instructed you that We3 are the Bridegroom of our creation? the signs of My Graciousness I have shown you are many; be reassured, My beloved, that I have indeed called you at My royal banquet; when the Bridegroom leads His bride into privacy to converse intimately and hold her on His Heart, bending towards her, after the Feast, would she object? .... would you object? so be active when I want you active and among crowds, but now pass your time with Me in a holy contemplation resting in Me, abandoning yourself to My good pleasure; do not think that you will be less fruitful; come enter into the Divine joy of your Saviour; (Our Lord’s loving words reassured me.) remember, My beloved, that true and pure theology is the contemplation of Me, your God and Lover of mankind; be blessed;  1This revelation. 2 The Lord means, when people have seen Him on me, and my face disappeared. 3The Trinity. October 19, 1998 Lord, help me in all, help me to make atonement for Your people, for Your Church, to offer sacrifice, prayers, that would rise like incense in heaven, and would be as an appeasing fragrance for the Father, a holy oil for the Son, and a consecration to the Holy Spirit; O Holy Trinity, embroidery of my soul, superb ornamentation of my heart, emblem of my mind, chime of my voice, sentinel of my being, what could I say much more and still fall short? alone4We encircled Our territory, in Our one Substance and one Power and one Knowledge We are one God alone, yes, with one Will and one Dominion, We encircled Our property, 5 to give it a disciple’s tongue, anointing Our Divine Work; 6 in Our Power We poured Ourselves in you like a vivifying liquid; like the sun shining in spring We shone on you, fortifying Our city and sanctuary7 before your oppressors would ill-treat you; in Our Knowledge We appeared to you, communicating Ourselves to you, instructing you and through you, others, with the knowledge the sages have received; feast8of Our Mercy! enjoyment of Our Trinitarian Holiness, be rooted in Our Will and be like a sprig of frankincense in summer-time, to continue to manifest the Truth and give a better explanation of the Revelation given to you; 4 By Their Free Will, the Holy and most Divine Trinity made me their Own and came to dwell in me, for They Decided, and no one else. 5Me. 6My being created. 7We are the City and Sanctuary of God who dwells in us. 8God called out to me: Feast!