True Life in God Messages

Notebook 95 True Life in God 977 have given you a unique gift, this one of calling Me at any time you wish; see? I have given you this special privilege in proportion to the task I have entrusted you with, and in proportion to My burden on you; see, how I measured everything when I planned this? not that you were qualified in yourself for this most noble task of reviving and uniting My House; all your qualifications come from My bounty, they come from Me; I have made you the vessel that carries this immense treasure, frail, but clear, that such an overwhelming Power does not come from you but from Me, your God; I am dwelling in you, this is why there is no weakening on your part; have I not the right to use you, serving as a reminder of My Mercy for the rest of you? You invited me to Your Banquet... I have invited you to My Banquet and through you many others .... I am bound by the vows I have made to You and I want to pay You the debt of thanks and work faithfully for Your House; for You have not only saved my life from death but You have allowed me in Your folly of Love to walk freely in Your Presence any time and in any hour of the day bathing me in Your Light; You have bound me with bonds of Love and Friendship, pressing me on Your Sacred Heart so that no mortal can distract this divine union any more; In Your exuberant Love, You made me strong like a tower towards those who storm over me; terror assails them in broad daylight at the sound of Your Holy Spirit, my Companion and my Joy... My pillar, supporting My Cross of Unity, radiate the light of the Knowledge of My Glory, radiate in this darkness, the light of My munificence and do not fear; I have poured anointed oil in your mouth so that you may speak for Me; be My chantress, always of good cheer; sing to this generation by travelling round the world, relying on My grace; let all those who by grace were called to read this Hymn of Love and led to taste this hidden manna, prosper, while still in their exile; I grant to all those who have been called to read My Love Hymn with a contrite heart, sanctifying graces; may their hearts contemplate the glory of My Magnificence and My fatherly Love and see in Me not only an Almighty God, but also a God of Goodness, most loving and an intimate Friend; may their ears hear the sighs and groanings of My Heart and be reassured of My Clemency; I have set a guard1 at your side, a watcher at the gate of your heart to watch that no intruder diverts you from your mission; when you speak, My love, keep always to the point; yes, repeat all My sayings but in few words; set the jewels I have given you in each heart; let everyone know that My Conversations are sweetness itself; I am with you; ic; October 1, 1998 Open my ear, O Lord, awaken me from my sleep, thrust Your Mighty Hand from heaven and lift me! ah Vassula, all heaven rejoices when from a mere creature a sound is heard in Our Celestial Courts .... 1 I understood, a special angel.