True Life in God Messages

976 True Life in God Notebook 95 Ah, my Lord Most High! my eyes are fixed on You; my whole mind and heart as well .... You have truly captured my heart in Your Divine Love and in Your royal munificence. and you Mine; You are my only delight! and you, My Vassula, you are My only delight when your eyes look fervently, with ardour and with love for Me .... to have Me in your heart is Life; Life is You .... My Work, 1hide in Me and rejoice in Me, so enter into the delights of your Saviour; I, the Lord, will reveal more of My Heart to you; come; I bless you;  August 29, 1998 Lord, Gracious One, Come to me! The bonds of death were all round me, but You have stepped out of heaven in Your Glorious manner and with Splendour, and in Your royal munificence liberated me; I had hands but they could not feel, feet that did not walk, a heart that did not beat, and no sound ever came from my throat to praise You; Yet, in Your faithful Love, Lover of mankind, Bridegroom of Your creation, You leaned all the way 1We are all the Work of His creation, but it means here also, the transfiguration the Lord made out of me: my conversion. from the heights towards me, the unworthy one, to revive me, and to transform me into a song for You and Your House; Behold, what You have done to a sinner, without You thinking twice that You might be risking to cheapen Your Works; You have clothed Yourself in me2 so that You may parade me in Your Courts; and with great glee You taught me Your precepts; You taught me that Integrity should be used as my rod fighting on Your side; In Your Goodness You made me penetrate into Your motives to be able to understand Your methods; You have grafted me on Your Heart, a gesture of espousals so that You and I take pleasure in Your Divine Love; You taught me to enter into Your Joy and to love You so that when I speak of You, I would speak of Your awesome Power, recounting Your Greatness and Your munificence. ah, Vassula, sing to Me and be My harp as well; in My Love, I have given you life; watching over, in My care, every breath you took; My Word is Life; can anybody say: “God has not acted;” in the light of grace I have veiled you, to be Mine and in ceaseless contemplation on My Heart; unlike others who receive My Word as a gift and whom I visit when I wish, I 2 It means, “I am clothed with Christ”.