True Life in God Messages

Notebook 95 True Life in God 975 “I exult for joy in My Lord; my soul rejoices in My God thrice Holy, for He has clothed me in the garments of salvation, in His Divinity He has clothed me; and like a bridegroom who ornaments his bride, He has crowned me with a wreath that never withers; like a bride adorned in jewels I have been invested with His jewels; now let my God, in His Triune Glory, delight in me; let Spring1 flower in my heart and in my bones; ah, how my soul rejoices in His Divinity which will be the emblem of my deification; You who adorn every year the earth and revive its dryness, turning it into a bed of flowers of every hue, come and adorn my heart and turn it into a spring so that all the angels rejoice and say, ‘look! he has Yahweh's Spring in him! the Bridegroom of all creation now can step in His garden, in His Paradise; the Lord of lords now can rejoice in him and gaze admiringly on His Own reflection; beauty and glory belong to the Most High; Garment of Glory, 2do not delay to clothe your child in Royal Purple;’ graciously deign to hear me and deliver me from my ever so miserable flesh which was my empire that held me prisoner on this earth and its belongings; here, I am coming forward, in front of Your Throne to offer you my heart, 3 the only thing I own, as a token of my love; ah, adorable Bridegroom, transfigure my heart into a pure heart and deify me through the divine power of Your Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Divine; let Him shine within me like a Parousia now, and my soul will live and will glorify Your Triune Divinity as well;” 1Here it means: ‘God’. 2 The angels exclaimed to God: “Garment of Glory”, because someone who is in a state of holiness can be said that he is clothed with Christ. 3Free will too. then I, Jesus Christ, will respond to you and say: “I will reward your humility by letting damnation eat herself up; she will be no more your dark companion, for you have now replaced evil with love, exchanged darkness with light; and although you will continue to live in your flesh, your spirit will be walking in heaven and your heart that you have given Me will have its wedding; yes, My child, for as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God and All rejoice in you; Boundless Goodness will be your kin from now on;” .... and you, My Vassula, I tell you: at the favourable time I will send you to them and you will show yourself; I discharge you now, My delight, so that you attend your other duties as well; 4 I wish I could have been like Mary and not like Martha; I am happy when I sit with You, adorable One, enjoying and feasting in Your Presence; do not complain, Vassula, enjoy yourself in Me; listen, will it console you were I to tell you how in this ineffable Love I have for you, I have you embedded as an emerald in My royal crown? would it console you, My Own, were I to tell you that you are My wreath of perfumed flowers that never wither since they adorn My Head, and that you are to Me like a concert of sweet music in My Ears? would it console you were I to tell you that you have become My spiritual throne and that My visitations to you are like a scent of delicate perfumes given to Me? a generous heart is what the Lord needs; there have been so many moments in which My Eyes were turned on you alone and for you alone; ah, Vassula! 4Housework of course ....