True Life in God Messages

972 True Life in God Notebook 94 sorts of virtues; these are the heavens in which We dwell perpetually; and now I have sung to you as a bridegroom would sing to his bride: a canticle of love; a canticle of divine love to remind all of you that you are heirs to Our Kingdom; this was hymned to you by the Hymn1Himself to allow you all to taste, while still on earth, My supreme sweetness eternally joined to you; so the Bridegroom welcomes you by saying: “come now, with a contrite spirit and have your fill in Me; let all who are thirsty come! I have the Water of Life and I have it for free;” I, the Lover of mankind, the Lord God, ask you, daughter of the Trinity, to take the other two Canticles, hymned to you by the Father and the Son, together with this one and name Our Work: Canticle of the Bridegroom; in Our Divine Canticle are many sayings of Our Triune sweetness, with amorous teachings so that many trees would prosper and grow; but as for the barren trees, I shall come, with a host of angels and uproot them in winter and so will be twice dead; inscribe on your heart, all of you, this fundamental truth: “the Lord God knows those who are His Own and so allows them to come near Him;” these are destined to attain perfection in the divine and intimate union with Us; they are called to be transfigured in Us and be one with Us; their old self will be no more, but in an ineffable manner I gave always to My saints, I would deify them in Our union; through Me, I deify all those to whom I am united and they no longer speak with their own mind but in the manner I would speak; they no longer see with their eyes but in the 1God’s words are like a hymn and God is heard as a hymn. manner I would see things; their acts would be My acts; a golden ring was given to you, 2 an ornament of finest gold, the day of your spiritual espousals, as a symbol of: sharing the Cross; therefore, I invite you once more to endure with patience your trials; grant Us your time, and now, beloved daughter, come and rest in Us; Let us seek the understanding of the invisible God by simplicity and purity of heart; Let us seek the understanding of His exuberant Love in the divine union and intimacy that His Majesty has deigned to offer us, by wholly abandoning ourselves to Him; In Your great condescendence You have, Lover of all mankind, hymned to us to rejoice us; You have, as a bridegroom who prepares for his bride a banquet, You have prepared for all of us a royal banquet so that we can all feast on the bounty of Your house; You give us drink from Your river of pleasure; yes, for with You, my Lord, is the fountain of Life, by Your Light we see the Light; As a doe longs for running streams, so longs my soul for You, my God; my soul thirsts for God, the God of Life; the God of Hope; the God of Consolation; when shall I go to see the face of God again? My heart had said of You: “seek His Holy Countenance;” 2 Vision of March 23, 1987. Christ offering me a wedding ring.