True Life in God Messages

Notebook 94 True Life in God 971 as the Father, through Me, that We would be sending you, My loved one, in the vile depths of sin, where iniquity and vice are worn like a crown on those who recrucify Christ; We showed you, through visions infused into your intellect, that We would be sending you in the nest of vipers, and so with the virtue of trust in Us, together with the virtue of fortitude, you would endure and persevere; you endured all the injustices, the venomous arrows thrust on you, with this virtue; you endured great trials for the sake of Our Name; and many who contradicted you were not able to break you; although from the exterior you appeared frail, I rendered you strong from within, proof that I am well within you, and that your virtue is indeed rooted in the Truth; as I have said, if you are rooted in Me, who am the Source of Divine Love, you will obtain the virtue of love, then like little branches, Love will give birth to other virtues; there are numerous virtues given to each one, who, by grace were raised to love Me; and everything that is distributed is distributed by Me; We once said to you in the beginning that you would have no rest and that at times your grief would be intolerable at seeing the deafness and stubbornness of certain souls, but by your suffering for Our sake, you have proved your patience, which is, as I have told you, linked to the Source, which is love; to widen the space of My Dwelling place, 1 I removed all that was obstructing Me, and My Light rose in the darkness and the shadows became like noon; I gave strength to your bones and I flowered you with My Presence; be strong and prove yourself worthy as My bride, wedded to the Truth; be perseverant and strong with My Spirit of 1My soul. fortitude, to continue to bear witness to the Truth with zeal and courage; with this virtue that I give by My Grace to martyrs, you can overcome all your detractors, and all those who never cease hailing the death of My angel; 2 like the sun you will continue shining in Our Triune Presence and in every nation We send you; you seek to please Us by enduring the pains of lengthy journeys to enliven the Church and defend it; anyone who defends faithfully the Church and witnesses are, for Us, like living torches because their words flare in the darkness of the world; I give them a warrior’s heart, to fight the good fight of faith and justice and join in this spiritual battle of your times My archangels Michael and Raphael , who are predominant in strength and valiant Warriors of Justice, observing through My Light every aspect of human behaviour .... you sought to please Us, with devout affection and loyalty, so We hid you in the shadow of Our Hand, taking you in Our care; Mediator of every one, I Am; Guarantor of your well-being, I Am; sublime Source of Unity of the Christians, I Am; supreme Unity of the Father and the Son, I Am; Unction to the poor in spirit, I Am; Unceasing Prayer within you, I Am; Bridegroom to you all and Perpetual Companion, I Am; beloved bride, you have now learnt from My Mouth, and through grace in an ineffable manner, what concerns Us; I have been teaching you that knowledge of God, through Me, is trinitarian knowledge to refute heresies and the like; ah, Vassula! the One whom you allowed to take root in your inmost being is the Truth who transfigures souls into a delightful Paradise where a variety of trees can be found which represent all 2 I knew that the Holy Spirit meant me.