True Life in God Messages

970 True Life in God Notebook 94 no, I have not come to inflict punishment on you, but instead, I came to you to wed you, and as a bridegroom who lavishes his bride with gifts, I adorned you with My divine gifts; it is not by the eloquence of words I am moved or affected, but by a contrite spirit; does not Scripture teach you to love virtue? were you to seek Me in simplicity of heart, not putting Me to the test, then I, in My Benevolence, will come down from heaven as a lightning inside your body and be your lamp; you have been taught that the lamp of your body is your eye, and so it is, because a diseased eye has no vision and has only darkness, whereas a healthy eye illuminates the view; I am this lamp and anyone who has Me within him, will seek the true virtues and not the vices; I am the real lamp of your body that fills your whole body with the treasures and splendours of Our Kingdom; these treasures and splendours are the virtues; where there is Light there is virtue; where there is Darkness there is vice; do not be mistaken and cling to this dying world, but be faithful to Me and you will live with Me in love; love virtue; in the beginning, Vassula, you were asked to live holy and be holy; I had also counselled you that were you to strike deep roots in Me, you would not sway in the wind nor would any of your branches snap off with any kind of tempest; then your fruit would be plenty, enough to feed a multitude and generations; were you to remain loyal to Us, I said I would grant you special favours, and so I did; I imbedded you like a royal gem in Me, and addressed you; I refreshed you and nourished you to grow in virtue; I gave you such virtues as love and patience, wisdom, knowledge, fortitude and perseverance; Christ had offered you His patience and at the same time, the grace of hope; to build your hope that one day holiness would be rewarded I have taught you to endure all the tests put to you with a holy patience; you sought, in your human frailty to please Us; so We bent over you and loved you; Wisdom is given to mere children and so We, in Our Triune Holiness, found simplicity of heart and instructed you that you had to acquire Wisdom, but We would be helping you; We said that We would help you imitate Us and be Our living altar upon which We would place Our knowledge, so that you would understand and know Us; you sought to please Us, and We found Our comfort in you; I am the Spirit who teaches and gives temperance; soul, let your sparks die down even more; your closeness to Us is wealth for your soul; yes, your closeness to Our royal Munificence renders you perseverant not only for your mission but to reach an invincible holiness, I said to you, My beloved, to love virtue, and I compared you to a tree which has many branches, rich in foliage, because you were rooted in Me, the Source of Love, and from that Source you were irrigated to produce many and a variety of fruits, fruits of virtues; I say a variety of virtues because any one who is rooted in Love which is the principle of all virtues, will give birth to all other virtues; does not Scripture say: “Love endures, Love is always patient and kind; Love is never jealous or boastful; Love is not proud; it is not rude or selfish; Love does not take offence and holds no rancour; Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins or vices, but rejoices in the Holy Spirit and delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes;” I have given you the virtue of fortitude to be the principle of all your other virtues in you; since I was preparing your soul for this battle of your times, where good is deformed into evil; in the beginning, Christ instructed you as well