True Life in God Messages

Notebook 94 True Life in God 969 O happy seed! 1were you to be sown in Me, your harvest will be Paradise; were you to grow in Me, you would blossom and your spring flowers, since they would blossom in Spring Himself, will perfume the earth, and the earth, revived by your aromatic fragrance, will utter its first word: “Father!” and it will be saved; You have won for Yourself this rebellious heart of mine; in Your lavish affection and in Your Love, You have clasped my filthy hands into Yours drawing me close to You and in You, breathing a new life in my soul; and with a baptismal kiss, You ended my rebellion; O indescribable delight of my soul, You visited me, not daring to show me, in the beginning, the immensity of Your Love, lest my heart would be too small to contain it; You abstained from revealing to me entirely the ardour of Your Love lest I would run away in my human frailty; but then, in the exuberance of Your Love, You wedded me .... You wedded me, despite my great wretchedness and guilt, wholly uniting me to Your Triune Holiness; this free gift, given by Your Own Will, given to an unworthy worm as myself, baffles me still to this day .... O Sunshine of my soul; You who so delicately fed me on curds and honey2 here You are now, visiting the earth once more; but the earth again mistrusts You and refuses to welcome You; 1We are God’s seed. 2 Symbolic description of ‘curds and honey’ is in this context: purity, gentleness and tenderness. My Beloved went down to His garden, 3 to the bed of spices, 4 to pasture His flock5 in the gardens, and gather lilies; 6 My Beloved came to call His Own Flock, and gather lilies in the fields who have no other care but to LOVE; He came to gather His lilies for His Own good pleasure; Divine Wisdom visited the earth to remind His Own that there is but one theology, that of contemplating You in Your Triune Glory; So let me be Your rose without thorns, most delicate Bridegroom, and You, my Living Water; there, my stem placed in this Living Water, will not die, but will draw life and will live eternally since I will be plunged in the Eternal God Himself. You have been favoured by the odour of My fragrance, 7 and I allowed you to contemplate My Holy Face which shone on you; 8 no, this memory of My Holy Face will never dissipate from your memory; I transcend earth and heaven in majesty and splendour and My Name and no other is sublime, raising the poor in spirit to join Me; I move in them and they move in Me; I have, out of My exuberant Love, as I have inspired you to call it, offered you free gifts in abundance, for I am only interested in those who fear Me9 and in those who rely on My Love; 3The earth. 4Souls. 5To feed us spiritually. 6And turn us like the lilies; make us pure. 7His Holy Presence. 8 Immediately the vision of His Divine Face came up in the surface of my memory. It remains in my body only because of the Holy Spirit’s divine power. 9Ps. 147:11.