True Life in God Messages

Notebook 94 True Life in God 967 Us say one day: how fragrant your perfume, more fragrant than all the other spices and I will be with you and will keep on breathing over you, My garden, to spread your sweet perfume all around; be planted in Me and grow strong in your faith with the strength of My Power, so that you will grasp the breadth and the length, the height and the depth, until you will reach to know the Love of the Son, which is beyond all knowledge, and will be filled with utter fullness of God;” this is what I said to you.... and now, My bride, espoused and clothed with Christ, adorned with My ineffable Light and imbedded like a royal gem in Me, take heart, I am with you, your true Companion; fragile bride of the Most High and Father of all and who is Bridegroom to all, guard your thoughts on His Sovereignty and His Splendour and feed yourself directly from His Mouth by placing your mouth on His, to obtain the grandeur of His Word; the flow of His Word is sweeter than nectar; be cleaved to your Bridegroom’s Bosom and you will shine in the world like a bright star because you will be offering the world the Word of Life; your race, My beloved, is not over, but I am with you; although there will still be burning arrows aimed at you because you have received the Word of God from Me; be bold, for I am your Armour; keep spreading your sweet fragrance, extending it in every nation, without forgetting that I am your sweet Lover, the Lord God, and that you, whom I created for this purpose, are My bride who belongs now to My Imperial Household; I am the revelation1of the Son and the Son is the revelation of the Father; and in Our perfect wisdom We have 1 It could be understood as “Image” too. bestowed upon this generation and for the future generations, various favours like never before in history; for their salvation I raised prophets to help them understand and reach the fullest knowledge of Our Divine Will; I have given you to them entirely to admonish them through this Canticle2 and help them understand and know Us and enter in the way of salvation where the plenitude of all graces is hidden; all the saints and angels declare now with one melodious voice: “we thank you O most Holy and Adorable Trinity, Eternal Wisdom, for supplying, in an ineffable abyss of generosity, the whole world with Your Canticle of Hope and Love; written so that it will lead many to Eternal Salvation; with exceptional grace, You have laid out a way, scented by a sweet odour of Your perfume and spread with sapphires, for every one to follow and find their loveliest rest in Eternity; and in Your divine gentleness You have found this remedy to heal this generation; “O Spring of the universe, Most lovable Trinity, altogether adorable Bridegroom, You visited once more the earth, to speak to Your children heart to heart, pouring on them a stream of graces with anointed and luminous knowledge of Yourself; You, Luminous Godhead, have anticipated this Feast3 2God means, His Message of “True Life in God”. 3The gift of this revelation: ‘True Life in God’.