True Life in God Messages

966 True Life in God Notebook 94 espouse you to Myself, I would fly to you at your first invitation and brand you with My fiery baptismal kiss on your forehead; a heavenly sign of our matrimonial celebration; then, My loved one, I would crown you with a wreath of the most fragrant flowers; each of its petals representing a virtue; I am the Gateway through which the virtuous enter; and as My word has guaranteed, I will revive your love for the gospel to equal your eagerness to that of the first apostles to spread the gospel of peace; and everywhere you would go, you would leave behind you My scent, perfuming nation after nation, for I would always be with you; I will privilege you to grow in your love not only for Us, but also for your brothers and sisters, so that you sing to Us the psalm: 1 “how good, how delightful it is for all to live together like brothers ...” I will become your personal Helper and Companion and also your family, your brother, your sister; I will become your bearer; 2 I will become your amen to the Amen3 and your canticle to the One who hymns to you now .... I will reveal to you, My bride, what flesh and blood can never reveal to you: I will reveal to you the innermost part of your heart and the depths and the mind of God too; I will show My favour graciously by increasing in you while I will be decreasing you; Dawn will be waking in you while Night will be dying in you; I am the Light of your soul and beautiful as a Parousia in you I will shine and inaugurate with all My angels and saints Our union of divine Love; We shall celebrate our espousals .... in Me, you will enjoy freedom; without Me, your soul remains captive 1Ps. 133:1. 2The Carrier and Dispenser of a variety of Gifts. 3Meaning: “your amen to Faithful and True”; a name given to God. and will fall in the snares of the evil one who will imprison you; so look at no one else, My love, but at your God, thrice Holy; delight in no one else on earth but in He who suckles you from His Sources with Life; pine away with love for no one on earth except for the King of kings, the First and the Last and for His House; and you, Vassiliki, on whom I posed Myself4 and who hugged Me ever so tenderly and with so much affection on your cheek as a token of love, exclaiming: “I found Him whom my heart loves!” and you clasped Me and held Me fast against your cheek, nor would you let Me go, but I too had found My bed of spices, bands sweetly scented; “I shall give you the gift of My Love,” I said; then like drops of pure myrrh, My words dropped in your ear, opening it to be able to hear My desires; “I am your Life; let yourself be directed by grace, from now on by Me; let your lips be as the lilies, 5 distilling pure myrrh; do not give up the struggle, I will be with you; bear the Cross of Christ and be enamoured of It and I will be with you; put your faith in God and glorify the Father’s Name; encourage your generation to get to know the Father; tell them that He is a gentle Father and a God of consolation; spread the Knowledge of Himself and I will be with you; tell this generation that the Amen’s Name fills all the universe with a most sublime perfume, a most delicate fragrance; be like a gazelle and be swift going over ravines, crossing valleys with Our Word; and I will be with you; be as a lily, through your purity of intentions, distilling pure myrrh on the Church that Christ bought with His Own Blood; let 4Vision of January 29, 1989. The Holy Spirit came as a Dove, in that vision. He flew over many people who were stretching their hands, but decided to fly over to me and posed Himself on my outstretched hands, on my fingers. Then I hugged Him on my cheek. 5 It means: “let your sayings be pure.”