True Life in God Messages

Notebook 94 True Life in God 965 the vivifying breath of your mortal bodies; and so you who live for Us, you will be vitalised by My Divine Power to be destined for glory; not only do I resurrect you, but I also give you a free way to enter Our glory, becoming Our adoptive child and heir to Our Kingdom; I have said to you that I am the Source of Hope because, were you to accept Me as your Helper, you would be accepting Hope and I who know how to express your plea, I would be expressing it with words of Wisdom and according to Our Mind, in a way that would be pleasing to Us; I am your Hope, since I made My home in you; so be content to hope that you shall be saved and risen by Me; enjoy the freedom I am giving you and possess Me as I would be possessing you, then, only then would My Reign begin in you .... it begins when your soul will become as beautiful as a bride dressed for her husband in her nuptial gown; you will then realise with tears in your eyes that you were not made to remain celibate but that you were My promised one and that I, the Holy Spirit, your promised One, the Bridegroom of all creation would sanctify your soul in My embraces and in royal munificence; did you forget, My beloved, how, not long ago before our wedding, your soul at night was longing for Me and how your spirit too was seeking Me? see now how delicious My Love is? see how Our Triune Holiness and Tenderness expand like sweet fragrance all around the universe, perfuming it? all souls to which I am joined become brides, for in Our intimacy We draw them in Us to become their Bridegroom each day of their life; and they, enamoured of Us, willingly thrust themselves in Us and ever so completely to savour the fullness of Our Divine Love that they become one with Us .... now, My dearest soul, have your rest in Me and remain My triumph; 1 together with the Father and the Son, I tell you: love the Unique Trinitarian God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; We bless you for dedicating your time to Us and for serving Us; June 22, 1998 (Continuation.) come daughter .... I am the inner Source of power within you whose sweetest melodies sung to you resound in every nation; have I not written for you, My dove, thousands of pages of love, counsel and knowledge, for you to be able to expound the Truth in this impoverished generation? have I not, My bride, filled you with sound words to answer those who question you? it is from Me that you breathe, bathed in My Light; it is in Me that you move and are2 never ceasing to be; for My Majesty transcends earth and heaven and all that is within them; then, from My Mouth, full of grace, flow wealth and honour, enriching all those who love Me; enriching them to know Us as Triune, yet One in the unity of essence; teaching them with tenderness of heavenly realities, lifting their spirit to revolve only around heavenly realities; it was I who created your inmost self and put you together in your mother’s womb; – and as I watched daily, inebriated with delight, your bones taking shape, forming in secret, I was already celebrating our betrothals; I tell you, were I to find your spirit eager and thirsty to know Me, I, who, from your birth was so eager to possess you and 1Because the Holy Spirit conquered me. 2 It can be taken as: ‘exist’.