True Life in God Messages

964 True Life in God Notebook 94 do; so do not allow your flesh1 to protest .... although I seem to appear inaccessible to the eye and unattainable, unseen altogether, I let Myself be seen in full clarity; I utter words of Wisdom and as a friend who confides himself to a friend I confide My secrets to you, hiding none of them from you; I face you, and I, the formless one, take form in your spirit; 2 ah, Vassula, I am altogether a reflection of the eternal light and as an untarnished mirror My Magnificence is magnified in all the creation; here I am now, becoming knowable to you in this way too, 3 yet without losing My transcendence; I am filling you with My Knowledge, even though this flow of transcendent light which I am pouring in you goes beyond what you can contain, 4 I offer, nevertheless, all those treasures of Our Kingdom to adorn not only your soul, but all of the others too; I am, for those who love Me, indeed more resplendent than the sun, outshining all the constellations put together, and as I transcend, I can fill all things with My brightness without being contained by their limits; this is the way I deploy My Light in your soul, ordering all things within you to be good so that you, in your turn reflect My Goodness and grow in virtue; June 21, 1998 (Continuation.) Ah, my Joy right now is great, You fill my soul not only with Your transcendent light but with joy too. 1Here it means human spirit. 2At this moment, again the same vision appeared to me, the vision of the Holy Spirit’s Face inundated in an ineffable light. 3By appearing and showing His Face to me. 4 In other words, beyond my capacity. yes, My beloved, My wealth is Joy as well; You are my Comforter in times of anxiety, in times of sorrow; You console my soul, O perfect One; may You assist my soul in Your loving Tenderness. O Glorious Throne, my God, Set high from all Eternity, come and uproot all evil from within Your sanctuary and show me Compassion, show me Your Holy Countenance .... My sympathy is with you, My weak child; I have revealed to you and to others Christ’s mind, even as Christ revealed to you the mind of the Father; do not doubt of My power; do not doubt of My favour I conferred on you to be able to hear Me, understand Me and this time gaze at Me; I have emptied you by grace and filled you with Myself; so be happy, I want you always happy, for heaven is your homeland; I have, Vassula, through all these years, satisfied you with the melody of My Voice, first in your heart and in your mind, then I granted you now one more unmerited favour: to gaze at Me in this one manifestation; I am your Helper but so is the Father and Christ; you have now contemplated the One who encompasses all beings; you must not be surprised when the world today remains dead to My Call, and when it listens but does not understand; so long as they are ruled over by the evil one, clinging to this passing world, I will remain for them unknown; I am the inner Source of Christian Unity, and it is in Me you should put your hopes and your union; I am the Source of Hope, Faith and Love; Infinitely rich, I glory in My glory; I am the vivifying Spirit of the risen Son and