True Life in God Messages

962 True Life in God Notebook 93 who is nearest to the Father's Heart, has witnessed and made the Father known to you; you have been bought and paid for with His own Blood; have you not read that the Word of God is alive and active and testifies on earth as I and the Father testify? the Holy One who bought His Church with His own Blood1 testifies with His Blood and I, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who leads you to the complete Truth2 testify with Water; 3 therefore, We are three Witnesses and all three of Us agree as We are One God alone, 4with one Will, one Power and one Dominion; what image, creation, have you contrived of Me and you still do not know Me? ... and yet I never stopped testifying; I was never hiding .... 5 O Ineffable Light of Beauty, Your Divine Eyes were soft and smiling; You smiled at me and I found myself smiling back at You; Your Face, O Holy One, contained an angelic charm; 1With the Sacrifice we obtained Eternal life. 2 In Jn. 16:12-13 Jesus says to His disciples: “I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now; but when the Spirit of Truth comes He will lead you to the complete Truth ...” It is a mistake to speak of an end to Revelation and treat it as a deposit of sentences. God is active and alive and will continue showing Himself through the Holy Spirit, never stopping in doing so. When one says in Latin: ‘complere’, it means that Christ is the full, complete revelation of God; and not that He will stop revealing Himself to mankind. The Holy Bible is the narrative testimony of Jesus Christ. It is not God’s last word. 3With Baptism. 4 In the unity of essence. 5At this moment, I saw a Face inundated with light, fairer than the fairest angel. The Unformed took form; in this vision of the Holy Spirit, who wanted to show Himself out of His boundless love, an undeserved gift to an unworthy being as myself, left my heart rejoicing; every time the memory of this vision returned to me, my heart anew rejoiced. It cannot fade away from my memory; this vision of His Holy Face is going to remain with me for ever. Your Holy Face, radiating Love and Purity was ever so near mine; I was not even in profound meditation when You surprised me by appearing to me; Although His Face was altogether adorable, His Eyes were the ones which drew my attention, leaving me in awe and in admiration the love of Your gaze looking into mine with ineffable tenderness were like two glittering stars, they were like a turquoise transparent sea filled with serenity; what can I, the poor worm, say? Your Divine Eyes, my Lord, are like a Liturgy, an ocean of Love, a Paradise and a consuming fire for the one who undeservedly was allowed to contemplate them ... how blessed you are, you whose ears I opened, may your ways remain straight in Our Wisdom so that you may do Our Divine Will; count on Me, beloved, for I will bring as many as possible in union with Our Oneness and I will fill them with Light so that they will be filled with the absolute fullness of Our Trinitarian Deity; – come and learn: in hardships I am always with you; I am your Consoler and where there is despair, I console and heal; I am the Giver of Life and with My baptismal kiss, I blow on you, I renew you; I renew you so that your natural inclinations that are so opposed to God and ever so human and worldly, leading you to death, can be transformed and deified in My Divinity and My Nobility and become as those of the angels and saints; I am trying to draw you all into a filial union of divine Love with the Father and