True Life in God Messages

958 True Life in God Notebook 93 yes, I am your Sunshine, but a tree needs rain as well to be able to grow and multiply its foliage and its fruit; when your soul does not feel My rays for a while, know that at that moment I am refreshing you again; and now tell Me, how does your soul feel right now? Right now I feel enamoured by Divine Grace .... cease then tormenting your soul and reproaching Me; be grateful instead for all the graces I have poured in your soul; I am preparing you to receive a divine visitation from the Holy Spirit who will entrust you with His Message1 and who would leave with His Noble Theme an everlasting memory to this generation and to all future generations; My tender spouse, be of Jesus as Jesus is of you; I am for you as you are for Me; 2we are one for the other and so complete in union and intertwined that a number of souls have seen Me in you and you in Me; 3 let Me delight and contemplate Myself in you; I enjoy immensely those moments when I gaze 1See message of April 22, 1998. 2Here Jesus means in the sense of belonging. 3 In the Madrid incident. Many people in different nations have seen our Lord’s Face appear on my face, but for the second time Jesus allowed His Face to look like mine. In Madrid a man looked at the big poster of Jesus’ Face and was asking the organisers of my meeting why were they putting up a poster of a blond woman. The first time this happened it was in Greece, Rhodos. The prayer group of True Life in God were going to a hospital for charity to evangelise and console the sick, always accompanied by the priest of the hospital. One day they decided to distribute Jesus’ portrait printed on a small postcard, a famous image of Jesus which is on the island of Patmos in the monastery, known to have shed tears. The priest came to them quite upset, and had collected back all the pictures; furiously he asked: “Why are you distributing Vassula’s picture?” Surprised, the girls asked him which picture, and he showed them Jesus’ portrait. They told him that it was Jesus, showing him His beard. The priest remained silent... at Myself; I have indeed clothed you with Myself to possess you and have offered you My Grace to possess Me in Grace; call it if you wish: the folly of God, enamoured of his creation to folly; 4 see? therefore, calm down your heart and understand those moments of privation; I know that had You not shown Yourself to me in the beginning (1985), I would be still out there in the graveyard among the putrefied. Had it not been for Your Grace, I would have by now putrefied myself. My soul was longing for You, when You were prolonging Your rains upon me. but now, My dove, have I not released you from your pains? hear Me, Vassiliki: know that while you were in the state of privation I was resting in your heart .... be blessed and find your comfort in My Heart;  April 22, 1998 (This divine message that was foretold by Jesus on April 21, 1998, has been given to me by the third Divine Person of the Holy Trinity: the Holy Spirit. I was called by His Divine grace every now and then to write it. It finished on July 29, 1998.) (The Holy Spirit speaks:) peace be with you; the theme that I am about to reveal to you for the glory and the benefit of the Church, this Church which Christ bought with His Own Blood, is going to be one of the noblest themes about Myself; it is necessary that I manifest these riches to your brothers and sisters so 4 At this moment, our Lord was reminding me of another word which is often mentioned in Scriptures: ‘the jealous love of God’.