True Life in God Messages

Notebook 93 True Life in God 957 April 19, 1998 Lord? I Am; peace be with you; let it be known: the mouths that shout calumny to you, are shouting calumny to My gifts on you; they will have that sin lying heavily on themselves unless they come forward and repent! I will repeat what I have already said to you, I have joined your heart to Mine forever and My promises stand firm; I have joined your heart to Mine in such a way to secure it, that there is no way of uprooting it; you are, My dove, wellrooted in what gives life and freedom; My precious child, calm your heart and do not pay attention to the violence of calumnies said on you, little do they know that they are calumniating Me and not you, giving Me impressive wounds on My Body; those who persist with violence to calumniate My Work in their deficiencies, will have in the end their share .... in My Infinite Love, I will increase in you and while My Head will be resting on your heart, I will continue to murmur in your ear My Love and My words of salvation and deliverance; pupil, remember, do not get discouraged; look around you; I have gained fruits out of My Divine Work, so lift your face to Me and smile, smile and make Me happy; I have now understood that in our close union, our Good Lord feels everything. Even if we feel unhappy, He becomes unhappy because we are unhappy; now allow Me to repose in My heaven1 while you reflect on My Words;  1Our Lord means: ‘let Me repose in your heart’. April 21, 1998 May the sweetness of the Lord be on us! 2 ah, enter into the joy of your Lord! yes? say it! (I had a complaint.) Why do You deprive me of Your companionship? come, say what you want to say .... And You do it as though You take Your pleasure in it by bringing forth all sorts of events that obstruct me from using the gift You have given me and being thus in Your delightful Presence which is Light. I have given you a wreath that will never wither, and I have baptised you with Fire; I have given you spiritual food and drink; how is it that at moments you fail to understand Me? I would have given you now a sharp answer, but considering your words pronounced to Me the other day, 3 coming out from the depths of your heart, know that I am reluctant in mortifying you; I am still perfumed by your words of love; I have received your words as a sweet fragrance of myrrh and My hair is covered with drops of your aromatic words and My head is all perfumed, you have bound4 Me with your words .... but I tell you, this act of privation is so that I ripen your fruits; 2Ps. 90:17. 3While I was preparing some speeches that I would read out in the presence of the responsible people of True Life in God, I was seized by the Spirit of God and wrote: “Today God the Father invites us in the nuptial chamber of His Heart; this is the final goal that everyone should attain in their spiritual life. - God invites us all to plunge in His Bosom and lose ourselves within Him. [Here are the words that touched our Lord:] I, personally, would like to become like liquid in God or sometimes go as far as to dissolve so completely into God that I would be no more.” 4This word should be taken in the good sense.