True Life in God Messages

956 True Life in God Notebook 93 nectar from His Mouth, and from His Majestic Throne, God reached you to console you and through you, millions of others who were in desperate need of consolation; ah! what would He not do in His divine Goodness for all of you! this is something that your philosophers of your times will never grasp because it is something that does not fit into their way of thinking; rejoice exceedingly, daughter, for you have received graces more than you could ever merit; praise the Holy Spirit of God too, who descended softly and gently from above upon you, to befriend you, anoint you and instruct you the Way; so glorify the Forerunner who flooded you with His Love and made you taste His intimate sweetness, lifting you on His Wings to soar the skies with Him; so be not afraid .... so long as you are grafted on My Immaculate Heart, be not afraid .... pray, My Vassula, for those who misinterpret Our Divine Messages, be merciful with them, for they know not what they are doing .... take pity on their desolation and do not let your tongue condemn them, let the Sole Judge, judge them; will you do this for Me? I will try, I will try to remember. After going out of that room, I had then heard babblings of a child from the nearby room, for the door was somewhat open. I did not have to go inside the room to see, but I saw, in the vision, with the eyes of my soul, who was inside that other room. I saw a lady sitting on a wooden bench, looking at the child that babbled and who was sitting on the floor, by this Lady's feet. At the time of the vision, I never understood who these two were, since God did not reveal to me their identity. But now, with the words of our Blessed Mother, this mystery was revealed to me. The Lady was our Blessed Mother and the child was me. I was looking at myself. I was in the courts of my Father who truly raised me with nectar, and my Mother was watching over me, while all one could hear in that awesome silence was a child’s babblings. (Vision of November 22, 1986.) eternally good, My Vassula, and be patient; do not let temptations of this kind assail you and disfigure your soul; let the One who is the Highest delight in you; expiate for them instead, and every time you will expiate, the Good Lord will anoint you with the unction of His Divine Love for your gesture, and His Face will shine on you and He will execute His Blessings on mankind; act as God wants you to act; release Me from the pains My Heart succumbs to daily from those who deny the real Presence of My Son in the Eucharist; Jesus affectionately invites you to partake of His Body; know that He desires you with all His Heart and, any generous gesture from your part, His Heart melts into Rivers of Mercy and Goodness which flow on many hardened hearts ..... 1O Royal Virgin, inseparably united to Jesus’ Heart, I offer You all the sinners of the world who offend Your Son in the Blessed Sacrament, may they who strike Him, be forgiven by God through Your Innocence, Your Blessedness and Your Sweet Heart which became the Holiest Tabernacle of God; amen; amen; trust God, My Vassula, because He has the power and the Wisdom to approach the guilty and straighten their path .... be disposed for the Lord to give Him praise and glory; He will reveal2 to you His intentions; remain in God’s Peace; I bless you; 1My soul, suddenly filled with the Spirit, cried out. 2 The subjects of teachings I had to prepare for the TLIG international meeting.