True Life in God Messages

Notebook 93 True Life in God 955 to muster round the whole Blessed Trinity in one body; behold His infinite Graciousness, Who delights even in my miserable heart, as though there were no other creatures save myself; blessed be Yahweh forever; amen; yes! I have given you Life in My Divinity, smouldering your imperfections; and now, joined and inseparably united to Divinity Himself, I bless you thrice in My Name; may your achievements bring prosperity to all mankind; do them in keeping My Name Holy and live at peace with everyone; April 9, 1998 (Our Lady speaks:) My Vassula, My Presence is Peace and Joy; yes, for I am your Mother, before your mother on earth; I share, as a mother shares with her children, your joys, your sufferings and all you endure; it is giving Me great joy to see My children living the life of truth as they were commanded from the beginning by the Eternal Father; today My Vassula, there are many deceivers, but it had been said that as there were in the past deceivers, 1 so you too will have your false prophets; in the beginning they would try to buy you for themselves, 2 then very quickly would 1Our Lady means false prophets. 2By a flow of flattering messages personally to you. turn against you once they realise their malice is uncovered in the Light of the Truth by the Spirit to you; ah, My child, I have you wrapped up in My Immaculate Heart, this is the way I protect My children; in My unfailing Love I have for all of you, I, as a Mother, will always be your gracious Protector and Defender; why, have you not heard how I become like a lioness who defends her cubs when defiled hands stretch out to touch you? no one will be able to take you away from Me; you are, My Vassula, consecrated to Me, and you have signed your consecration to Me with your own blood, 3 and with this, God confirmed you, strengthened and supported you, for His grace and His power lasts for ever and ever; My Son, Jesus Christ, is always near you and has your hand clasped into His so that you will never be separated from Him; My beloved Son is sweetly affected when you and others who have graciously recognised His Merciful Call through His noble theme, sacrifice everything you have for the salvation of souls; and God, the Father, who is the kindest of fathers, who favoured you amongst thousands, giving you this inestimable gift and teaching you with Wisdom, filling your mind and those of others with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure; in His irresistible Love He has for all His creatures, the Creator has blessed you thrice from His Throne; in His royal courts He raised you4 with 3 I had pricked my finger and signed then with my own blood the consecration to become the Slave of our Blessed Mother. 4 All of a sudden, while hearing these words, I understood an old vision I had, when I was taken in the spirit in our Father’s House with many rooms, and with a Banquet laid out for us. In the vision I was led to go to a room, with a veranda. What was striking in my vision was the great peace all around.