True Life in God Messages

954 True Life in God Notebook 93 do not be displeased when you are receiving less glorious favours1 than in the first three years, because all that is done to you is for My glorification; to preserve your humility I have done this act of Wisdom, incomprehensible to you perhaps, but My act gave you at once the freedom to come to Me, and work freely for Me; My act put you in a position where you would come to Me by your own free will, lifting your thoughts to Me, offering Me what you can; and while I would watch My Own seed giving her life as a oblation to many, relying on no one but on her Saviour who lifted her soul from the valley of death and who drew her into an intimate union in His Heart, I would be rejoicing in My seed; 2 ... now tell Me, can a man cheat God? No, never. Wearing white3all the time does not make anyone holier or virtuous, or truthful. and yet many are cheating the hearts of My children, they are cheating Me by their falsehood; 4 I tell you, when My Day comes they will be excluded from My Kingdom, on these grounds sentence is pronounced; I have given you by My grace to discern what comes from True Light and what comes from darkness, but I have let you see how many more were drawn to darkness than to Light; I have told you this so that when the time 1 Direct answers to my own questions and to those who asked our Lord, through me. Also, constant fragrances, and visions of His Presence. 2There was a brief silence. 3 False prophets, and there are many today, many, many more than the chosen ones from God. But God is allowing this to happen to test people. 4 One of them especially who puts unsparingly God to the test with her false messages, scheming in the dark, deluding many to believe in her; you will know her by her message that declares that “True Life in God” messages stopped in August 1997. A lie that will draw her in her own snare ... of sorting comes, you may remember all that I told you .... 5 remember Me to your friends; your friends are My friends, My dove; tell them what their most gracious Father says: tell them that were they to remain in Me, in My Love, their joy would be complete and everything they would strive for, for My Sake, in their work, but would be unable to complete or succeed with because of their human frailty, I, as a Father, having seen their nobility of thought, I would take in consideration their good intentions for wanting to please Me; and so I, in My turn, will supply what would be lacking in them, so that many would believe in My Work and Divine Theme of Love; they would believe not because of them but in the evidence of the perfect Work that will be accomplished in My Divinity; - 6and you, My dove, behold the Bridegroom who lifted you and directed you by His Spirit in His calling; 7 sing a psalm to Me by saying: Fountain of Living Water, preserve my soul in times of trouble, keep my soul cleaved on Your Heart, where the Springs of Yahweh refresh and exult every heart that comes to rest in this inmost Centre of Love; O behold the One who clothed Me with His Imperial Vestments8 in order to draw unsparingly nation after nation 5 There was a brief silence, then God spoke of those who would attend the International Retreat of TLIG in the Holy Land; they are the organisers of TLIG and promoters, the sturdy pillars of God’s Message. 6 The Lord’s gaze turned towards me. His look was friendly and fatherly at the same time. 7 While the Lord of Goodness was saying these words, my soul was lifted to the heights, to glimpse His Glory, giving me a slight taste of the vision of Beatitude. 8Meaning Christ Himself.