True Life in God Messages

944 True Life in God Notebook 92 Him; I have granted you for your mission all these gifts out of the Love I have for you, but also for the restoration of My House; ah Vassula, some would ask: “why is the Lord emphasising His union, His gifts and graces so much?” if I am reminding you all of these things, it is because the world will keep trying to compel My chosen one to doubt of My gifts given to her; I had, My Vassula, warned you in the early days of your mission that your acts of love would be misunderstood and that you would be hounded like game and that you would suffer adversity, but also how My fatherly protection would always cover you, and I would come to your rescue to console you and lift you from the fangs of the evil one; I had told you that My royal Messages would be so often spat upon, rejected and ridiculed, but also how I would always stand by you to encourage you; you are still dwelling on earth but I am dwelling well within you; so do not fear; so long as you are on earth, the world, in its darkness, will keep trying to harm you and injure you; I do not mean that you should part from your friends, but remember, do not trust yourself to people; 1 some would want to force your hand to do what is contrary to your wishes, which would also be contrary to My Own wishes; others would imply that My honourable gifts given to you, as well as My favours, are not divine and do not come from Me; for these I have something to say: “if you say they are not of divine origin then they could only be, according to your insinuation, from the father of lies, or from the subconscious; has it never occurred to you that by judging My Work as evil you are sinning against the Holy Spirit and such a sin is not forgiven? if you say that this whole 1Jn. 2:24. divine Work comes from the subconscious, then explain to Me the mastery and learnings of these writings from someone who had no knowledge of Wisdom’s Works and had no training in even an elementary catechism;” so far2 I have given them enough proof, and I shall give no more proof than what I have already given; then there will be those who, in spite of having asked for your advice, will ignore it, because their soul would be still striving for their personal desires and will submit to their human will and not to Mine; I had told you that so long as your head would be resting on My Heart, you would, in these moments of repose, be reading the pulsations of My Heart, then you in your turn, you would be able to give good counsel to those who need it; but again, the world, not yet overcome from its evil thoughts, would underestimate My treasures poured out on you, under the pretext that you are not confirmed3 .... overcome now your lack of confidence in the gifts and favours I so generously offered you and with all your heart repeat the prayer I have given you .... (I did.) do not worry anymore, I will continue to look after your various needs; I have prayed, Lord, but how can I be sure I will not fail You again? I am here to remind you; I will always come and bring you back from any hazardous paths you might be tempted to take; I will keep showing you My most delicate care I have for My chosen ones; come, today I want you to feel happy, 2Our Lord turned and looked at me. 3 That the work of True Life in God is not yet approved by the Church.