True Life in God Messages

Notebook 91 True Life in God 943 My Heart; have confidence in Me and confide in Me all your problems; I am only waiting to be gracious to you, My chosen one; the world would always try to draw you back into its entrails, a dark valley where there is only desolation; but I have chosen you amongst thousands, so why do you sadden Me with your lack of confidence? My union with you in the Light of My Divinity is so complete that you must no more lose trust but place your head on My Heart and doubt no longer on our blessed union; come and say to Me now: “my Jesus, Divine Mercy, I lacked confidence in You and so I have brought Your Heart to distress; I now ask You in my bareness and in all humility to be forgiven so that You may, in Your Infinite Mercy and Goodness, restore my disfigured and wounded soul; disfigured and wounded by the world’s acts upon me and their sayings;” 1 I have received your prayer with delight; in your deficiencies, I will make up, to glorify My Name thrice Holy; from now on do not let Me ever fall into any distress or sorrow that leave all My saints and angels in immense distress for being unable to relieve My pain; if ever the world persists in questioning My choice, let their sins fall on their own heads; it is with justice that I will intervene; if they treat My chosen one as they please, the one My Sacred Heart 1 (I said it.) I realised how the evil one was invariably trying to impress on me through the mouth of the world that this Work, so Divine of God, was less important than its real value, thus under-estimating its value, and always trying to diminish its importance. I would find myself in a constant battle, trying to keep away those false accusations, and never giving in to them. regards with particular affection, I will reprove them mightily; 2 but were you to make reparations for them, then in My Infinite Mercy I will compel them to see their sin; I have in My Love, as I have told you in the beginning, bonded you to Me in such a way that it would be difficult for you to loosen these bonds; 3 I performed this act, after your ‘fiat’ to Me, out of pure love; My jealous love would not suffer us to ever be separated and our union broken; I have in a moment of inebriated delight, given you a further grace: a matrimonial union thus drawing you even deeper into the repose of a sweet contemplation in My Divine Heart; in this delightful union between you and the Holy Trinity you would become Our Harp, and We would use you with delight obtaining great triumphs from you; then you in your turn would enjoy sharing with Us Our Courts; in Our Divine Grace you would become Our Litany; 4 lily of My Heart, Infinite Tenderness was shown to you so that others would learn from you and obtain the same quantity as you have obtained; lily of My Heart, Our closeness to you is your blessedness; My Divine Will rooted in you is the greatest gift I could offer in exchange of yours; with My Divine Will in you I could make up for all your deficiencies and your insufficiencies; the words you utter would be Mine because I would be your vestment and you would have My Mind; although you are often blamed for your severity, in reality your severity is not yours but Mine; those that reproached you for this have not quite renounced their sin .... they keep forgetting that a soul once united to God becomes one spirit and one mind with 2Then He looked at me. 3Message of March 16, 1987. 4For my life would become a ceaseless prayer.