True Life in God Messages

942 True Life in God Notebook 91 that by only looking at me You did not flee, but instead, my unworthiness gave You so much joy, attracting You to me? I am known to call the least of My creation; then, I looked at you and loved you .... 1 I told you in the beginning that, were you to let Me form you, I would lead you with strings of love by My grace, imprinting on your soul My Divine Image, and with this Divine Seal which is the imprint of the Holy Trinity, you would be drawn into the fullness of Our Deity, perfecting thus your intimate union with Us in Our Divine Love; I still intend, dearest one, to continue and whisper in your ear My secret revelations and while I will be pouring on you abundantly My gifts and My favours for My good pleasure, I will keep reminding you that by having drawn your heart so inseparably into Mine, it was so that in this courteous gesture of Mine, our union would be complete and that your spirit, through My grace, would become one with Me; 2 I had given you a prayer3 in which you consecrate body and soul to My Sacred Heart, so that your thoughts would be My thoughts, your acts My acts, giving Me voluntarily your will so that My Will be done in you; I remind you, that by reposing your head on My Heart, in these moments of interior enjoyment, I would be the movement of your heart, the eloquence and charm of your speech, I would be the light of your eyes to give good counsel to those who need it; every movement of yours, every gesture would be coming from Me; you would be 1 The words of His Mouth were like honey; it is He, my Friend, to whom sweet conversation bound me in His Heart. 2 1 Co. 6:17. 3Consecration of January 26, 1992. listening to all of My sighs, understanding4 their meaning so that you would be acting according to My Divine Will; through grace you will be inhaling My sweetness as you did when your head was resting on My Heart tasting Its sweet savours; 5 remember how My Father instructed you? 6He told you that were you to allow Him to strengthen the bonds of union with Him, your soul then would be so joined to Him and your spirit so engloved in Mine that everything you would be doing would be according to My Mind; your works would be rooted in Our Goodness and your performance in Our Spirit; then My Father gave you an example of the way the members of your body work: “you just do not tell your hand what to do, but it works with your will;” this would be the manner in which We would be guiding you; Lord, forgive my lack of confidence towards you, and to all these abundant graces that You have given to me freely in my utter unworthiness. I was hiding Your graces. I have sinned from fear of what others think. the world will always be trying to deceive you and wound the one who is so precious to Me; and when you listen to the world that takes your mind away from contemplation, this alone wounds My Heart; 7 by grace I have drawn you into My Sacred Heart so that you be Mine alone and by grace I intend to keep you in this repose; when this cold world assails you with its temptations, and tries to disfigure your soul to resemble them, run to Me and take your refuge in 4 I heard at the same time the word, ‘decoding’. 5My Vision in Church. 6Message of March 16, 1987. 7 I understood that by hiding the graces of our Lord and even not quite admitting these under the pretext of my unworthiness, Jesus becomes quite upset and sad.