True Life in God Messages

Notebook 91 True Life in God 941 (…then, while my soul felt inebriated as though with wine, the Lord made me taste in His Heart the sweetness of Himself, reminding me of the sweet taste of our Holy Communion1and at the same time my head was being covered by a sweet fragrance, again, like the Holy Communion. Then, while I was still in that repose, I noticed my surroundings being filled with smoke, the sweet smoke of burnt incense. In this serene surrounding I kept hearing my Lord and my Beloved repeat these words…) remain here, remain in Me, then come forward and receive Me; delight Me and remain in here; (…I sighed and wondered what makes Our Lord delight so much in a creature such as me. The zero of the zeros. He, the Perfect Being, He who suffices by Himself, how was it possible to even imagine He would look at me twice?…) your utter wretchedness moves My Heart and My whole Being to such an extent that My Eyes fill up with tears of Mercy every time I look at you, (…I was about to say something.) no; do not speak; absorb My Peace and satisfy your heart in this silence, enjoy these moments of grace and absorb the sweetness your Lord is offering you; refresh your heart, My loved one, and remain in My embrace and allow yourself to be loved; do not allow your mind to wander away in the world since from the world you will receive nothing; come to Me and taste My sweet love I have for you and always had for you; 2 – 1The Orthodox Holy Communion. 2While Our Lord and my Divine Master was saying these words, it seemed as though honey was dripping from His Mouth. And I understood that He had a special weakness for me, from the beginning of my life. say: an ineffable weakness for you, instead; dearest gem in My Hand, the unction of My Love for you is so great that in those enflamed moments of love, My Divine Eyes cannot be but transfixed on you; think hard about this, until I arrive to fetch you; I find no other pleasure elsewhere than in those moments when I am with you and you are like an open book to Me, to write in you My New Hymn of Love; always be available for Me and welldisposed, and in this way you will save both yourself and those who listen to you; I formed you to become My pupil; Lord! when I think of it, You formed me in a most amazing way; You formed me in silence through Your Holy Spirit and by breathing in me those divine revelations from Your Sacred Heart! It was not like when You formed audibly Your disciples! yes! I wanted you turn to Me wholeheartedly so that I would draw your heart towards My Love and My Fortitude; I wanted to prepare your soul to carry My Divine Message; ah Vassula, all that I say to you now, you will hear again when I will appear to you openly at the appointed time; now My Soul rejoices in looking at My garden3 and I enjoy breathing in you; every step you allow Me to take in My garden, will be done with gentleness and it will be consoling for you; When Your Divine Gaze turned down on earth to ravish my heart, how was it possible 3My soul.