True Life in God Messages

940 True Life in God Notebook 91 Trinitarian Holiness; see? in My Name too, bless My people; November 2, 1997 (Sunday) (While I was in the Greek Orthodox Church, attending Mass, suddenly a fear gripped me and I thought that I might be indisposed to receive Our Good Lord in the Holy Communion, and that if that was the case, I might cause to bring forth upon me, with wrath, the Judgement of God. While those thoughts were crossing back and forth in my mind, I experienced suddenly in my heart, a joy and delight that even though they came out first from my heart, these seemed to spread like a warm soothing liquid inside my very bones. While I was experiencing this consolation, my soul was being transformed to come out of its fear and gloom, into delights and light. In this joy, my soul praised the Lord and I sang to Him in silence. I revived. Then, all of a sudden I saw our Lord open His Mouth to say something to me. I could not help notice how cheerful He was and with delight He said to me…) come to Me .... (…while opening at the same time His greenish-blue mantle. This gesture of His attracted me as an iron is attracted and drawn to a magnet. In this same manner my soul was drawn irresistibly to His Heart. And I found my head leaning on His Bosom. Then, ever so tenderly, the Lover of mankind said to me…) ah, how utterly wretched you could be! (…I was thinking, “Can someone hug fire to their breast without setting their bosom alight? Here I am, hugging the Sacred Heart, how can my own heart not catch the fire of love?” When I had leaned my head on His Divine Heart and while I was still leaning on His Bosom, I felt His Bosom melting away and my head being absorbed into His Body. My head went through Him and through His Sacred Heart, and I found my head encompassed in His Heart, resting in this way on the Son who is nearest to the Father’s Heart…) this Heart is your resting place; vesselof-My-Light, this Heart is the Unique, the Prime and the Ultimate place in which your tormented souls would find an everlasting and affectionate peace and sweetness; (…while my Beloved was saying these sweet words to me, He put His Arms around me, tightening them on me, pressing me now even more on His Bosom just like someone who wants to protect someone from being cold. He hid me completely in His Mantle. This form of holding me was just like someone who is afraid to lose the one he holds. I was considering, while I was having this experience, in the Church, whether I should write it down or not, and He said…) write it for the benefit of souls and I will join too while you are writing, to write down My part; (…the Lord’s Heart by now entirely absorbed my head. It was like a gateway to Heaven and during those delightful moments while my soul was enjoying this ineffable sweetness and tenderness of this heavenly repose, my head was being constantly covered by caresses…) I have lavished your soul with My favours; I ask you now to remain in My Heart in this way; remain with Me, My beloved one;