True Life in God Messages

938 True Life in God Notebook 91 you are, indeed, a true witness of the Most High, because I have made your mouth a sharp sword; My God! Sometimes I feel I am hemmed in by my oppressors, even during the night I see the fangs of those who would want to devour me, fabricating falsehood to see me condemned. O help me against the proud! For how long will You keep their eyes shut? until your Service to Me would be completed and the Ceremony would come to its end; – My Eyes were always drawn to man of humbled and contrite spirit, and I, who am known to bring to birth, I will bring My creation to a rebirth, blessed by My Holy Spirit, as never seen before in history; My Flame within My Heart will be your purification, creation, and this will be executing My judgement; 1 this will be done so as to remove your veil and see Me clothed in glorious beauty and holiness; I will be executing My act of love2 so that I win you to Myself; then you, in your turn, will turn to Me; you too will become a witness of My Love; and when people, surprised with your change of heart will ask you the reason for your humble behaviour, you will reply: “I have learnt from my Father; I have listened to my Spouse and so I have become a son of light; my God is my Light, and eternal life is that we should know Him as the only True God and Sovereign of all creation; then, My friends, you too will belong to the Spouse for ever and ever;” ah, generation, have you not heard My Son, Jesus Christ, say to you: “the hour will come - in fact it is already here - when the dead3will hear the Voice of the Son of God and all who hear it will live; 1Small judgement. 2Small judgement. 3The spiritual dead. for the Father who is the source of life, has made the Son the source of life;” 4 so why are you afraid in these evil times of the profusion of Our Riches of Our Heart, poured out on you? why are you astounded at My marvels of today? are We not the Source of Life? the mountains totter with the smell of death that rises from My creation and the waters roar and seethe in agony when they hear My agony when I see My Own seed dying together with this world that disintegrates in sin and wickedness; should We then bind Our Mouth? We are the Source of Life and from this Source, Our Heart stirs yours with Our Noble Theme: We will address Our Hymn of Love to this dying generation and whosoever listens, is blessed; whosoever listens to it will grow tall and strong too like a tree because its root will be growing in My Commandments and My decrees; – not long ago, I planted a seedling, 5 today it grew into a tree and its top reached the sky, tasting now and then the essences and the fragrant breeze of heaven; now it is known in every nation, since it is seen from the ends of the earth and from every direction; its green foliage is medicinal and as a healing balm for the sick, but at the same time an appeasing fragrance to the poor and the wretched; I have been blowing kisses to it to increase its fruit and perfect it; in its beauty its fruit, abundant, is marked with the Seal of My Holy Spirit; every nation, no matter what race and from where they come can reach it and have their fill from it; its produce is enough for all; even to the unworthy this tree can provide shade and comfort; I am its Keeper; I have seen, so many times, men creeping and slithering by night, with fire in their hand, to put 4Jn. 5:25-26. 5 Yahweh, I understood, speaks of me and this Message.