True Life in God Messages

Notebook 91 True Life in God 937 whatever he can afford;” so, you who read Me and are My Work too, come to Me, as you are, and I, in My perfect Love, will perfect you; I shall ravish your heart so that I may obtain from it the rarest and the most delicate fragrances; then like someone stretching upwards his hands holding a golden bowl full of incense, to perfume My Holiness, I will lift your heart, holding it upwards, letting those rarest essences swirl out on the earth, spreading your sweet fragrance all around Me, delighting Me, and delighting all the saints and angels in heaven; My joy will be such that it will be taken as a wedding dance; 1 while My angels’ mouths will be filled with laughter and their lips with song; and I, exulted with joy, in your nothingness, I would turn your heart into a jewel, and with My Hands still outstretched, lifting your heart, I would anoint you, My jewel, and bless you; and like I had once placed you with tenderness into your mother's womb to be nourished and to grow, I will place you in My Heart to nourish your soul with My Divinity, allowing you to grow with My Holiness; this will be the proof of My Love to you; and you will get to know Yahweh, your Bridegroom, thrice Holy, as never before; then, your soul will be cleaved so profoundly on My Heart and in Me, that you will never forget Me because your soul would have fallen voluntarily captive to My charms; and I, who only act out of love, will fasten your little heart on integrity, willingness and love, and enflame it with divine fire; I will make you taste My sweetness by having you share with My Son Jesus, the One nearest to My Heart, 1 I had seen in a vision, Yahweh our Lord, holding in His outstretched Hands this ‘bowl’ and going around, swaying like a dance. Our Blessedness, inviting you to enter into the True and Unique Knowledge of Our Triune Deity; this Knowledge of Ourselves will teach you that We can give you back your divinity, divinising your soul to enter into Eternal Life; and that Our Divine Light can glitter too into your soul and body to live in Our Light and in Us; then, My beloved one, I will enrich your soul with graciousness, and while I will be hiding you in My Heart, I will take away your sins, so that you move in the Spirit and breathe the inspirations of My Heart, while I will be engraving you with the seal of consecration, anointing you with My Holy Name; then, you will no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union in Our Oneness; I, the Most High, Bridegroom of My creation, will show you such fullness of love and tenderness that your soul will taste what it is like in heaven while you would still be on earth; My sweetness will be such that you would be as though inebriated with wine, because you would be tasting the Almighty’s Love, this Love which would be like a paradise of blessing and which will adorn your soul with more than glory; – feel the greatness of My Love, Vassula; I have chosen you out of all the living and made a lily out of you, allowing you to hear My Voice; I entrusted you with this Work to enlighten this dark and apostatised world; I have sent you out to fragrance with My Work the wilderness of My creation and shine upon them My decrees and My Law, and the world, one day, would see in you My supreme power and would say: “truly, God is hidden with you,” but they would be saying it to your departed spirit; yes! 2 2 This “yes!” came like the sound of thunderbolt, it was said with such power and authority.