True Life in God Messages

936 True Life in God Notebook 91 Great is Your Greatness and I shall not ever forget this sweet vision that has been imprinted in my memory. I delight in souls who allow themselves to be lifted by Me .... ah, Vassula, I wish to bring every soul close to My Heart and have it grafted on Me, in the same way I have brought you to be close to My Heart; this is why, My child, I am tracing ever so graciously a path so that everyone can follow it; a path of righteousness that leads to Me; for this reason, I, as a young bridegroom in love, am in love with My creation: the Work of My Hands; and I will expose to every creature the flame of My Heart, whether friend or foe; today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; My Heart is pulsating with calls of love to love, and again I say: whether friend or foe you are all invited to partake the delights of My Heart and when you do, you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can never be measured with My Divinity and sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy; and you, Vassula, you who have entered into the delights of Our Trinitarian Holiness and have come to understand Our tender affection and Our infinite Love, We rejoice for having accepted voluntarily to lay Our Work upon you, hence becoming a living altar, increasing Our joy; We have converted you and led you to contemplate a Spousal contemplation in the intimate union of Our Oneness; then, We sent you out of Our embrace into the wilderness to defend the Truth; but now, after your hard labours, We want you to repose on Our Heart and have the leisure of contemplating Our Trinitarian Holiness; in this intent repose you will be suckled by Our Divinity; today again I offer you My Heart and as a bridegroom who steps out from his pavilion to join his bride, I, stepped out to join My Heart to yours and take My pleasure in you, and exchange in our caresses our mutual love; let it be as in heaven: Love for love, Heart for heart; yes! you have not refused to acknowledge Me as Father, in My Triune Holiness; and like a vessel that carries water, your heart, after acknowledging Me, was filled with My Living Water to bring it to perfect the virtues I would be offering it; My Works would be sterile were I not to perfect you in your love; of what use would have been your works to Me, and what sort of honour would it have been for Me, were they to be offered without you freely giving Me your entire heart first; indeed, come and learn the meaning of these words: “what I want is love, not sacrifice; what I want is knowledge of Myself, not holocausts;” I shall not be hard on anyone so long as I find readiness in them; have you not heard: “a man is acceptable with