True Life in God Messages

Notebook 91 True Life in God 935 continue to sing My Hymn of Love to every nation;” I will continue to pour out in your heart My delights and consolations, like someone pouring water from a jug into a glass, so will I fill your heart with My Love; 1 A shadow passed my thoughts, and I was thinking again of those who, my Lord, calumniate Your message, with frenzy; especially Your language of love. pray for those, and bless your persecutors to be able to obtain Mercy in the day of Judgement; flesh and blood will always brood evil and take pleasure in doing evil; these same souls do not talk about My sweetness nor of My Divinity because their minds do not know how to separate My Divine sweetness from their own flesh and blood's desires; no, they do not see that there is a difference; when I speak, My dove, with My Lips that are moist with grace, holiness and sweetness, they do not understand My sayings and cannot fathom My purity in My Magnificence; their hearts are so hard that it becomes impossible for them to fathom the brightness and the Divinity of My Heart; this is why these hearts are eclipsed from My Light, and in their perishable body and thought they accuse Me that My Words are excessive and sentimental; these are of whom I say: “they are strangers to Me and they do not know Me ...” ah, My delicate soul, you have tasted My sweetness in My Divinity and I have procured for your soul the taste of My Magnificence and now look at you, look at the immensity of your thirst for Me; I have, My bride, as a Bridegroom newly married, shown you how to be intimate and at ease with Me, for nothing is dark 1This image of a jug and a glass being filled was one of the first drawings my angel Daniel drew for me, back in 1985. in My company; and so many have learnt from you and I have obtained great triumphs from the grace I have given you; when your heart is bound to Mine, there is no darkness, but delight and joy all the days of your life; Yahweh, You who stepped out of Heaven, like a bridegroom coming out of his pavilion, have shown me Your Face, to enjoy Your sweetness; 2 Let the gossip of the wicked hear and learn from David’s psalms that their hostility against the sweetness of Your Language is groundless; Let them learn by reading Your psalms that You are the Psalm of Your psalms, and that Your Words, Lover of mankind, are sweeter than honey, even than honey that drips from the comb; 3 For this, by the mere memory of the vision given to me in Your immense graciousness, my soul melts and is swept away, once more, to the ground; What shall I add to this? What can one add to such a sublime vision? But Your generosity deigned to reveal Yourself to someone as unworthy as myself; this was a free gift of Your great love; You did not need to take permission from anyone; You wanted to show Yourself, Your blessedness, Your charm, Your radiance, Your perfect beauty and Your sweetness; 2Ps. 27:4. 3Ps. 19:10.