True Life in God Messages

934 True Life in God Notebook 91 remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love; then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!” daughter-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings; you will learn to do good all the days of your life, and you will grow thus in My Heart, giving a sweet smell like the lilies; and when I would be sending you abroad to different nations you will spread your fragrance on them and it will be received like a blessing because you would be growing in My Heart; behold, I have been clothing you with My Son, Jesus Christ’s Countenance, 1 so that they understand that you are My Work, granted to them by My Grace to be echoing Me; so continue to be My Echo, let My Words be flowing like wine from your lips, inebriating the hearts of My sons and daughters; Lord, I am and remain still full of wonderment, on Your Beauty; in the night of my soul You appeared, a figure of wonder, like the Son of Man in His Transfiguration, O Triune Bridegroom, full of grace and sovereignty, fairer than all the angels put together, what does all of this signify? By what inspiration Your Heart made You look at me? But I will dare say what I wanted: By what folly of Your Love Your Heart made You look at my wretchedness? Most unworthy as I am, here You are, reminding me of our matrimonial bonds, drawing me even deeper now in Your Heart to savour the delights that lie within It so that I can obtain the flow of Your Divinity and keep me alive; daughter, if I have poured and am continuing to pour out My grace on you it is because I want your soul to be fairer and brighter every day that passes by until it reaches the perfection desired by Me; I can then say, “this heart has given Me back all that I required and I have obtained great victories from it; I have obtained at the same time great pleasure from it and through My grace, I will continue to multiply on this heart My favours and My gifts so that it can 1When so many people see Jesus appearing in my face.