True Life in God Messages

Notebook 90 True Life in God 933 our feast; 1 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will .... and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds2 you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you; that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 3 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me; since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me .... I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn4 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My Vassula, adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved's lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We5 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 6 1When I was writing these words, it was November 21, 1997. November 28, 1997 is the 12th anniversary of True Life in God. 2When God pronounced the word ‘seeds’ I saw in front of me sapphires. 3 That is the whole secret of knowing God: intimate union. 4He used the present term as it is continuous. 5The Holy Trinity. 6God reminds me of my apostolate. continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 7 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life .... speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those8 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed .... how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death? I have given you, creation, twelve years9 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found; - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 10 unhappy little creature, 7Us. 8 ‘Those’ means that it is obvious that it is not ‘all’. 9Since God started his work: True Life in God. 10God foresees the negative reaction of certain souls.