True Life in God Messages

932 True Life in God Notebook 90 rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy; day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine; ah, Vassula, 1 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-byMe; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song2 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert .... I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 3 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness; so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away; behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with 1Suddenly His Divine Gaze turned and looked at me. 2True Life in God. 3The Holy Trinity. gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son; behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence; know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be; no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a oneday guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My Vassula; see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy; I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to draw you now to Me .... take a retreat in Me4 .... why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to 4 This He said it as an invitation but with great solemnity.