True Life in God Messages

930 True Life in God Notebook 90 about it. The Unseen God allowed Himself to be seen to speak and listen as friend to friend; Invisible, yet face to face.) Yahweh, the Lord of Lords, appeared to me, vested in full splendour; His heavenly robe shimmering and yet colourless; glittering as though covered by diamonds and other precious stones; And while I was staring, bewildered and mystified, on this enchanting vision of grace and incomparable beauty, when Yahweh delicately emerged from behind the clouds, doing it with such a graceful movement, I felt my heart blossoming; His Majesty reminded me of a bridegroom stepping out of a pavilion; His Presence radiated a gracefulness that even if I tried to describe it all my life I would never manage; His Presence at the same time radiated love and so much sweetness and tenderness that my soul was swept to the ground; His beautiful Head was leaning slightly to the right, like those Sacred Heart statues; You are beautiful, my God, although I can only peer through a veil, I see Your hair in dark locks reaching Your shoulders, and Your beautiful Face, the pallor of ivory, is enchanting to the eye; Yahweh’s posture was though of someone timid, but do not mistake me, it was not timidity but a form of grace and majesty; Oh Yahweh, You who transcend greatness and fullness, You who are the Godhead, assumed a form in an inconceivable manner to show Yourself to the unworthy one; indeed, how can language express in words, “the things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard, things beyond the mind of man?” Oh come and breathe over my garden1 and spread Your sweetness in my heart; why, who am I to be able to contemplate Your figure? How is it possible that You, in such glory and such splendour, be attracted to our misery? You dazzled me and I am bemused with Your Lordly Beauty; What must it be like to contemplate You all day long in heaven with our bare eyes? How and where shall I find sufficient words to describe Your Grace and Your Beauty? Words surpass me, especially that slight movement You made, to step out from behind the clouds; Should I invent new words of praise to praise Your ineffable Beauty? Human words of praise are nothing and will never be sufficient ever to express what I want to express. In Your Pure Beauty, You hold me captive; in Your charm, You leave me bemused and in rapture, and like spring, You flower my heart; with a single one of Your glances and my soul feels wedded to my Creator; My Creator who freed me with one single of His glances and set me free and at large to proclaim His wedding song; You guard me, and while I am going You spread sapphires on my path, and like the pupil of Your Eye You guard my soul; I go through fire 1 It means ‘send Your Holy Spirit to me’.