True Life in God Messages

Notebook 90 True Life in God 929 why My Soul sighs with sorrow, grieving beyond human understanding; with Me are riches and lasting wealth and I am so eager to share them with you; oh, but so many of you are locked in the same sleep, a sleep of apathy! ask Me to forgive your past ill-will and your wrongdoings and I shall give you a pillar of light to illumine your dreadful night; and you, My Vassula, endure with Me and do not allow the enemy to deceive you to fall into weariness, but continue to be like an echo of My Voice, rebounding from the clefts in the mountains; having tasted My Bread, 1 your soul will always long for It; My dearest soul, make every effort to do good in your mission; it is neither sacrifice nor night vigils, neither bodily labours nor any praise-worthy actions given in My honour that makes Me delight as a soul who comes with her heart in her hand and offers it to Me proclaiming her love for Me, even if it sounds like babbling .... the one who finds Me finds life, happy the man who discovers Me and gets to know Me; I have given you now the Bread of Life, so that the Day you will stand in front of My Throne, you may come with your hands full of good fruit and offer your offering to Us; 2 make Us known to the world and remind them that the Word of God is alive and active; proclaim a Resurrected Christ, supreme in every way and above all, and that He comes in your days to remind you of the Hope and the Promise; 3 proclaim a risen Christ, present at all times and among you but also within you; a risen Christ, rich in grace and esteemed more than sceptres and thrones, and that in His Divinity is to be found a Power, unique in purity 1 At the same time I heard ‘My Bread’, I also heard ‘Me’. 2The Holy Trinity. 3The renewal of the Church by the Holy Spirit. and unsullied, almighty and most loving to man; instruct them of the mysteries that lie within Me but how I reveal them to the poor in spirit and to those who approach Me with purity of heart; all that I will reveal will be revealed by My Holy Spirit and then they will get to know Us as thrice Holy in the Holy Spirit; dearest soul, cultivate all My sayings and follow Me; I, Jesus Christ, love you and bless you;  September 25, 1997 I invoke You, my Yahweh, my Father, for I know that when I do, Your Majesty would come in splendour all the way from heaven, descending in glory in my quarters; to see You, my God, in this inaccessible glory of Your Divine and infinite Light is an incomprehensible splendour; You, the Godhead, manifesting Yourself to me and wanting to be united with me, desiring to be known; Only You, and You alone can reach me, for the gap, this ontological abyss, between You and me can be no more there; Lord, You fill all things without being contained neither by their limits nor by their very being; (While I was still invoking Yahweh’s Name, suddenly, a figure of wonder, looking just like the Son of Man in His glorious Transfiguration, appeared to me; the Formless One took form; what mind is able to grasp or understand the One who encompasses all beings? Although the vision lacked completeness, 4 He made Himself be recognised, and I am conscious 4 It was like seeing through a grey veil.