True Life in God Messages

928 True Life in God Notebook 90 O most tender Father, teach them from childhood Your Laws so that they may proclaim Your marvels and hymn to You an unceasing Hymn; “let this nation become a hymn to the Hymn, an irresistible perfume of incense; I pray to You, O Lord, and entreat You, that by Your Word You may come to this nation; amen;” yes, the Master of All has always loved her; 1 .... speak, My Vassula, when I speak; be My Lips and glorify Me; (I was kept, by the Lord, five weeks in Japan. Many small meetings were held. Even atheists came, and Buddhists, to hear the words of God. Three prayer groups are now starting to follow the spirituality of True Life in God, a Trinitarian spirituality.) August 13, 1997 My Lord, You have rained on me a downpour of blessings, and through these, my soul found its Home: the Courts of Yahweh .... there, where You provide us with Your Goodness and where thousands of myriads of angels dwell; My God, Your Name is like a Hymn that when hearing It, my soul exults and sings to Its rhythm; 1God means, Japan. In my ignorance, Lord, do not deprive me ever of Your Light... Amen. 2My love, I am with you always .... taken by your misery, My Heart could never fail you .... you have become the child of Our Divine Love; you needed someone who could teach you not only the elementary principles of My Law and of My Grace, but the Message of God3 in its fullness; what I have done for My Church, I have done it to bind you all together in love so that you, in your understanding, will get to know Us in Our Triune Holiness; a teaching given by Wisdom to mere children, but hidden from the clever and the learned; keep your mind locked in My Mind and prosper from within, My love; ic; September 9, 1997 (Rhodos – Greece) My hope is in You alone, my life is in Your Hands alone, Please, stoop to me, come and govern my soul, Lord! I Am; flower, satisfy your thirst with My Presence; with all My Heart, yes, with all My Heart I tell you: love the One who loves you most and who never fails you; honour My Love and honour Me; grow in My Love and in Our Oneness; Vassula, I shall call you to write down My Sighs later on, those Sighs that come out from the depths of My Heart every minute of the day; anyone who does injury to Me does hurt to his own soul; I do not wish to lose any one of you; this is 2Jesus replies. 3Scriptures and God’s Divine Will.