True Life in God Messages

926 True Life in God Notebook 90 God is your Friend, My Vassula, He who has knowledge of all things is your Friend; the One whom you invited at your table is your Faithful and Loyal Friend; let the nations know this, that they may learn who is the One that is standing now at their door, knocking; if they hear Me and open their door to Me, I will come in and share their meal side by side with them; then, I, in My turn, when the time comes, I will show My gratitude to them, by inviting them to share My Throne in heaven; Lord, You are Great, You are Glorious, wonderfully Strong, unconquerable. May Your whole creation serve You in righteousness! My Father and I have made Our home with you, 1because of the greatness of the love you have for Me .... ah, Vassula, I still have many things to say to you but now it is time for you to complete your other duties too; I am with you and will take delight while you perform your other works for your family; since your birth, My loved one and during your childhood, My Eyes never ceased watching with delight, the one whom My Sacred Heart had chosen to make out of her, one day, a Tree; daughter-of-the-Son, 2 I love you; eternal life is to know Me, the only True God; come; 1 I understood that this was like telling me: “We espoused you to Us.” 2 The name Vassiliki means also: ‘daughter-of-theKing’. When Jesus used this term, I understood, as He is King, that He called me by my name in a symbolic way. May 21, 1997 Lord, Scriptures say: “the poor will receive as much as they want to eat.” 3 Today, You are filling our starved mouths with Your Word, so why this upheaval from Your House? because your hand is unmasking all the enemies who infiltrated in My Church; But they toss their head and sneer at Your Words. do not worry about the wicked; the day will come when they will be expelled from My Courts; 4 but you, you shall not draw the sword .... You offered me a vision the other day, and You seemed so happy, so full of Joy! I was looking at My beloved .... Ah! What can I say? My Name .... Jesus Christ, beloved Son of God and Saviour. be confident as much as you were confident that day; trust Me when I said to you that no matter what happens, I will remain with you in this way till the end; let My Heart take always this pleasure in you .... 5 in your innocence of course; do you enjoy this journey with Me? My King ... can a King clothed in His Majesty and Glory, wrapped in a robe of light and splendour, enjoy, as You appear to be enjoying, the company of a worm? 3Ps. 22:26. 4 I am not sure whether they are Courts of heaven or if God meant here, the Church. 5 I had not understood, then He added the rest.